- More than 12,000 cumulative trail miles
- Thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2011
- Thru hike of New Zealand’s Te Araroa (TA) in 2014-15
- Outdoor Gear Testers for Backpacker Magazine
- 2015 Backpacker Magazine Article Feature – How to Hike as a Couple Without Destroying Your Relationship
- Wilderness First Responders (NOLS Wilderness Medicine Institute)
- Leave No Trace Master Educators
- Justin and Patrice have a goal to climb the highest peak in every state. Since 2006, they have climbed the highest point in 43 states, including Mount Whitney, Mount Rainier and Borah Peak. Besides these peaks, Justin has climbed Shuksan in the North Cascades and attempted a climb on Denali in May 2016.
- Justin and Patrice have a goal to explore all of America’s National Parks. They have backpacked and explored 42 of the 59 National Parks, such as Big Bend in Texas and Olympic in Washington.