You might be surprised about how many towns we actually go through on the trail. Sometimes every few miles, while other times every 100 miles. The towns will be our lifeline for resupplying. We have carefully laid out where we are going to mail ourselves supplies to the local post office versus shopping at the local grocer. For the places where we plan to stop at the post office, we welcome packages or letters! But here are a few guidelines:
* Let us know if you mail us something. The post offices get a lot of mail for thru hikers and sometimes they will ask how many packages we are expecting and the size to help them weed through.
* Think light, or something we will eat quickly
* Double bag any home-baked goodies … the post offices are not free of critters (just like the shelters!)
* Please don’t send us empty candy wrappers or empty coke bottles. We will only send our dirty socks back to you.
* I will update our approximate arrival date as we go along (my very conservative estimates had us finishing Jan. 10 – YIKES!), but pay attention also to our mileage and how close we are to different mail drops
* Address the packages as follows
Justin or Patrice La Vigne
General Delivery
City/State/Zip Code
Please hold for SOBO Thru Hiker
ETA (if you have that info)
Justin or Patrice La Vigne
c/o Business Name
City/State/Zip Code
Please hold for SOBO Thru Hiker
ETA (if you have that info)
Just double click on the images below to make bigger and read info … I couldn’t find a good way to format it … sorry!
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