Currently …

I came across a “Currently” blog post from this Colorado blogger and I loved the idea. Apparently, this is not new to the blogging scene, but once again, I live under a rock when it comes to these things.  So here goes my own version of “Currently.” Currently thankful for: being on blood thinners for…

Shred the Gnar!

You know those life experiences that you have once and then swear you’ll never do again? Like bikini waxes. Or pregnancy and giving birth. I think snowboarding was on my list. I took lessons once, 4 years ago, and according to my very own blog post, I should not try to be a snowboarder.  Well,…

Driving ‘Murica

I suppose this could be in the interest of “Throwback Thursday,” but J & I are always reflecting on the awesome summer we had and I realized I never shared some of the best scenes from the road. When you drive 30,000 miles through 37 states over the course of 5 months, you are bound…

Happy Vagrants

We are still enjoying our transition period at the cabin between one adventure to the next. I have loved having a space for silence, a space for ourselves and a space for routine. We’re still pet-sitting and it’s also been nice to have pets again; we are not typically dog people, but it is becoming…