Arctic Adventures: Volume 38—Dipnetting Take 2

In the summer of 2021, Justin & I went dipnetting for salmon with my Uncle Fred here in Alaska. It was to be my uncle’s last trip, as it is no easy feat if you are in your 40s, let alone in your 70s as he is! While I promptly decided after dipnetting in 2021 that I was one and done, Justin was keen on filling our freezer with salmon whenever he could squeeze in a trip. The summers of 2022 and 2023 were just so incredibly busy, but this summer, a friend of Justin’s said there was an open spot on his privately chartered boat at the beginning of July, Justin said aye aye captain & anchors away!

Summer 2024 Friend Visitors

During the last week of June, one of my best friends that I’ve known for nearly 35 years, Sara, came to visit! She (and her family) visited me (us) in several of the places we’ve lived, but Alaska is a different beast. In general, we have low expectations for friend visitors since we live well…

Currently: June (late!)

Currently worried about: As many of you might have already heard, a fire broke out near the entrance of Denali National Park on 6/30. Fortunately, crews are working hard to contain it (25% contained so far) and it hasn’t spread very far (388 acres so far). However, it certainly disrupted some tourist activities (closed the park, halted the train, etc), wiped out power in the canyon business district of the park, which displaced workers from their seasonal housing and put jobs on hold. This is heartbreaking for our area where businesses depend entirely on tourism squeezed into 4 short months.

I am grateful at this point because our wood-sided homes surrounded by an enormous forest of natural fuel are not yet affected. It’s easy to downplay volatile weather and our crumbling Earth when viewed in isolated snapshots of events on the news. But when it’s unfolding before your eyes … that’s an entirely different perspective. In general, I’ve always told people it’s not a question of IF there will be a wildfire in our area, but WHEN. This summer has been unbelievably hot and dry thus far after a very low snow winter (as evidenced when our seasonal pond dried up by June 10 versus July 10). So we wait and see and hope for the best and roll with the adaptations in tourist operations.

Currently: May

Currently living/working: Justin and I are up to 4 jobs each!! Many are shared roles, like cleaning our yurt, cleaning another Airbnb and guiding for New Wave Adventures. It turns out, New Wave has an evening hike booked for the next 100+ days, so we will never see each other all summer from 5pm-9pm because one of us will always be hiking!! There are additional New Wave hikes booked during the days, but those irregularly sprinkled through the summer. As for the individual jobs, I mentioned last month Justin is the manager of Discover Denali, which is part-time-ish and flexible. At the very last minute, I decided to take a “support staff” role at Alaska Geographic, a nonprofit partner of Denali National Park & Preserve, which is also part-time-ish and flexible ( and I love it so far!!!). The central theme of our summer: spending an excessive amount of time squinting cross-eyed at our various work calendars ensuring they seamlessly align so we don’t miss a beat.

Currently: April

Currently living/working: I’m ecstatic to say that I’m back in Alaska! TONS of big changes around here for all our summer hustles & beyond. Most notably, Justin is the new manager of Discover Denali, an organization dedicated to promoting tourism beyond Denali National Park and into the surrounding gateway communities. It will be sort of…

Currently: March

Currently living/working: My time as the dutiful daughter in NJ will be winding down mid April as I’ll hand off the caregiver torch to my sister to take over the hospice care in her home (in CT) while I return to AK in time for our typical robust summer work schedule.  Current mood: I’m trying…

A Day in the Life of a Caregiver

I sleep in fits, thinking I hear the floor creaking from my mom walking around. I sleep in the basement, which has its own heating zone so I can drop the temperature down to 60 for prime sleeping conditions. Upstairs, the thermostat is set at 75, the carpeted floor and wood paneling contain 40 years…

Currently: February

Currently living/working: Justin joined me in NJ for a few weeks this month! Thank goodness for gig work and our convenient side hustle of virtual library presentations because trying to incorporate the tide of personal responsibilities and work goals into the caregiving seems impossible to me. Also, I sold at least 6 Between Each Step…

Dear Dad (5 Years)

Dear Dad, Five years is both an eternity and a blink of an eye. I learned so much going through your death that I thought it would prepare me for others. I learned that proactivity is important. I’ve now realized it may not mean much in the long run. As it turns out you were…

Currently: January

Currently living/working: I took a leave of absence from my job … Wait, who am I kidding? I’m a freelancer who makes her own schedule. For the foreseeable future, I’m an unpaid—but much appreciated—caregiver to my mom in NJ. It’s what I dubbed as my limbo life. Meanwhile, Justin is battling the dregs of winter…

2023 Byline Roundup

You’d think my skin was as thick as Kevlar with as much rejection as I’ve endured over the years in my freelance writing career and book publishing journey. But 2023 ended up being deeply soul-sucking in the ratio of my article pitches to published articles. In an attempt to rationalize (to myself) why I have…

Holidays in Denver

Yes, I am still in NJ passing time and wondering do I go back to AK or stay with my mom—who despite having a terminal prognosis seems fairly stable, but embraces her fate waking up everyday and saying, “I just didn’t think I’d be alive today.” Reality bites, but I am practicing my best forms…

Currently: December

Currently living/working: It’s been an eventful month, and I’m so grateful for the carefree time in Mexico, because it’s all gone downhill! Let’s see, where to start? While we were in Denver visiting Justin’s family for Christmas, Justin ended up in the hospital. Apparently, he had a bacterial infection—unrelated to Mexico, but related to one…

27 Days in Baja, Mexico 

In case you missed the several times that I might have mentioned it: we spent 27 days in La Ventana/El Sargento, a small hamlet on the Sea of Cortez (east) side of Baja California Sur. We’ve been there twice before because our friends Clara & Shadow moved there in 2018. And since we (I) need to…

Currently: November

Currently living/working: We’ve done minimal work this month. We both wrapped up a few projects before jet setting to the East Coast and we’ve been in Mexico since 11/21. This is the chunk of the year when we live off our savings thanks to our seasonal work as well as the random freelance paychecks that…