Currently: March

Currently living/working in: We are enjoying the quiet of Fenton Ranch for just a few more days until the school children return for their environmental education program! The spring session only lasts 5 weeks, with kindergarteners coming up to the ranch for just the day, 1st graders for 1 night and 3rd graders for 2…

Exploring Southern New Mexico

New Mexico is a darn big state. Even though we’ve been living here on and off for 2 years (holy cow!), we’ve hardly explored half of it. Little by little, we are trying to see more. Because our nomadic half-time RV, half-time hiker friends, BJ & Clara (Shadow & Country Mouse), put down temporary roots…

Gear Testing 101

Justin & I wear many different hats, and one large one is Gear Testers for Backpacker Magazine (and a prototype tester for a few brands).   We get a lot of questions surrounding this. How did you become gear testers? What the heck does that mean? Is that really a job? Do you get paid? I…

Currently: February

Currently living/working in: Still property caretaking Fenton Ranch in New Mexico … nothing much to report on that end. It’s been a quiet winter compared with last year! Current confession: February was a short month, and that’s my excuse for posting “Currently” so late. Current mood: Oy vey, it’s been quite a month. Actually, quite…