My favorite season of fall is definitely in the air, but we’ve had such an awesome summer in terms of weather (even too hot at times), it’s hard to say goodbye. J & I hit the roads of Contoocook for a 16-miles bike ride today to enjoy the last of the summer. J definitely shows me up on the bike … I need to get him to start riding his mountain bike when we are together. Or I need to get a better bike … hint hint. Here he is doing some tricks.
Riding on NH roads is usually pretty safe as drivers are good to bikers. But Friday, I almost got run off the road by some rednecks in a truck … twice! And today, J nearly got cut off by some New Yorkers! Yikes!
J showed an adult “movie in the park” for his town Saturday night. Date Night! If you haven’t seen it, check it out. It is ROFL funny!
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