Did I mention that J and I play indoor soccer? Well, for the first time since we’ve been playing in October, we won last night!!! Yeah, I know, that means we lost a lot of games. But in our defense, we were strangers playing together and never had time to practice. There are teams playing back-to-back at this facility. Basically, you show up for the game and have maybe a 5-minute practice period. So last night started our second winter session of playing. We used our first session to “practice” … and lost every game.
I really enjoy playing soccer. I never played growing up (I played field hockey and ran track in high school), but for some reason always wanted to. I have been searching for some sort of adult league in every state we’ve lived in, so I was elated to find a huge indoor soccer center very close to us. J was always a soccer player and it shows. He has control over the ball and kicks really well. Me, well, I’ve definitely improved during the past few months, but I’m no Pele yet.
I also enjoy playing on an adult recreation team. My one roommate in Phoenix, SmokinHot, played on a volleyball league while we lived together. She always had so much fun and I craved that kind of socializing. We have some interesting characters on our soccer team, but most of them are really nice, if you can get past the Boston accents. One that stands out is Handyman, who loves to yell at the refs and other players and get yellow cards. But he’s really good and that’s why we keep him around. Then we have Nazi, who needs no description, but let’s just say, he yells a lot … at his teammates. We are lacking in the female department. During the course of the first session, we had 4-6 females coming and going. But it seems none of them came back this session. One had an eye injury her last game, so I don’t blame her for not returning. This is why I wear my goggles during the game!! Mind you, we need two females on the field at all times. Which means I was forced, I mean privileged to play the whole game last night. Now I consider myself in shape, but playing the entire game of soccer is nearly impossible.
Anyways, let’s hope we can win more than once this session!!!
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