So I finally got back Monday from Phoenix. I was supposed to take a red-eye Sunday night, but Continental Airlines screwed up my flights. That’s just a whole other story. But I got home eventually and at least got a $100 voucher out of it.
My trip was jam-packed, to say the least. Here are some of the highlights.
Phoenix temperature high: 76 degrees
Concord high: 22 degrees
Enlightening work meetings. No, really, they were enlightening.
QT with BFFcoworker and her new baby, Caliente, theFr, Mouth, NHBound, Sunshine, Rockstar, SmokinHot and her kids, BossLady, former coworker and many, many others.
GNO Friday night!
Afternoon cocktails with Lawyer2be, who is a former member of the youth group I ran. It’s fun to see him grow up!
Playing Asshole with Mouth, Mouth’s brother, JVC and Associate0405 until 3:30am Saturday. I haven’t played that game probably since I lived with Mouth and I had forgotten how fun it can be! Unfortunately, Mouth can no longer hold his alcohol very well. Oh wait, was he ever able to?
Hiking Camelback with theFr. Despite the biggest crowds I’ve ever seen, the mountain is still a killer hike with an outrageous view. And it was sooo green (for a desert) because of all the rains Phoenix had.
Oodles of Mexican food.
In & Out Burger. If you haven’t tried it, you must. Unfortunately, it’s only available in Cali, AZ and Nevada.
Gathering 15+ people from the St. Greg’s crew at Hamburger Works.
Driving theFr’s big blue boat around town and remembering why I don’t want to live in Phoenix … traffic.
I know there was probably so much more because it really was a great trip. Good seeing everyone!
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