Greetings from San Francisco!
My trip to Philly was fantabulous! I have a lot of girlfriends around the country, but none where I live (right now), so it’s always nice to reconnect. There’s nothing better than good girlfriends really. I got to spend a lot of QT with Chile and Charlotte, both one-on-one and together … it was just like the good ol’ days when we were college roommates. We talked about EVERYTHING and we laughed a good portion of the time. It is quite funny how much we’ve grown up though. In college, our biggest concern was who was hooking up with who and whether we were going to finish our paper on time. Now our conversations center around mortgages and babies! It’s also funny to see how much we’ve evolved into our own persons. We cooked dinner together and it was pretty comical to see our different “methods” of cooking. Charlotte is still methodical and precise in how she does things (cutting peppers so that they each measure the same) and apparently I have become neurotic and a germ freak (does anyone besides me think it’s a good idea to have separate cutting boards for your chicken and vegetables?). Overall, Chile looked superb for just giving birth and dealing with new motherhood. We all can’t get over how ginormous her boobs are, but I guess that’s to be expected. And her little one is so, so sweet.
I also did get to see RedJeepTrvlr, but our time was way too short. I had to catch that darn train to catch my plane!
San Fran has been pretty uneventful thus far, seeing as I’ve been working nonstop the whole time. We did eat at Bubba Shrimp Factory at Fisherman’s Warf last night and that was yummy in my tummy. My sessions have been really enlightening in terms of health care trends—past and future—but I won’t bore you with my work passion. The most exciting thing about my conference is that I got to meet Ted Koppel!! Okay, I didn’t really get to meet him, but he was the keynote speaker at one of the sessions. My schedule conflicted with his presentation, but I got to see 15 minutes of it and boy was he a phenomenal speaker. He inspired me more in those 15 minutes than I can describe! I like that these conferences are bringing in some famous faces more and more. This past year, I met Mark McClellan and Dr. Ruth!
So, I just posted my last assignment, which means I am home free! Tomorrow will be a day of exploring. I’ve been here several times, so I’m mainly going to play tourist with my coworker. Speaking of which, can I just say that some people are pretty helpless when it comes to new cities. She’s one of those types. She has stuck to me as good as glue. I don’t mind, but sometimes I just want to say, stay back puppy dog.
I think that’s it for now. J is having a blast in Vegas, winning me money I hope. We are both heading back to NH Sunday. Home sweet home is always so nice.
Here’s a picture of my girlfriends … then and now.
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Good to hear about your travels. I don’t think it’s that weird to have separate cutting boards, but I don’t. You could just use the excuse that you’re trying to keep kosher by using separate dishes and cooking instruments for everything! Not surprised that that person is helpless.