I wasn’t sure if my camera would work, so I only took limited photos. I will try my best to keep you entertained as I recap our trip to NJ!
Wednesday, after dressing like Sandy & Danny for J’s senior Halloween lunch (the old bitties said we looked more like Elvis and his groupie), we drove in the pouring rain to CT for a quick overnight visit with the niece & nephew.
The kids were so surprised and excited they peed their pants.
We let Bones ride his bike (2-wheeler!!) to the bus stop Thursday morning. QuickQuestion has yet to forgive us.
Next stop was theMakeupArtist’s house in NJ to meet J’s latest birthday buddy, LJ. They are still in that 6-week newborn period of non-existent sleep.J & I departed ways from there. He went into NYC to attend 2 nights of the 25th Anniversary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame concerts with UncleSlickG.
J said they were by far the best concerts he’s ever seen. If you really are interested is seeing the list of artists, go to the Web site. But he did say the 3 best performances were by Bruce Springstein/Billy Joel, Metallica/Ozzy Osborne and U2/Fergie/Mick Jager.
In between concert-going, J met up for lunch with theBuddha and his other birthday buddy CJ, who is now 1. Oh and SILAdventure also happened to be in the city with her friends for the weekend. So you know things got wild and crazy! Needless to say, J is exhausted from all the festivities.
My next stop on Thursday was to Hallmark4ever and GoodEgg’s house, where I realized holy cow, my friends produce cute kids. Their son also just turned 1!Hallmark4ever & I met up with theAccountant at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Girl talk commenced and ceased 4 hours later.
My pasta dish had asparagus in it and my pee smelled for the next day.
I had breakfast with theMentor Saturday morning. Her kids are now between 14 and 21 … I changed their diapers!
Short on Coffee and Big on Lotto bought 335 pieces of candy for the trick-or-treaters. Do you think that was enough?
J and I reunited Saturday and went to watch the World Series at theCoach and DishSoap’s house that night. Joined by thePlaya, PanicMan and AYB. A small Prep reunion, but of course some important people were missing–like Beef! We ended up in a sea of wrappers and a candy coma. My teeth are not happy. Oh, and PanicMan gave J and I some intense lessons in texting. We’re getting the hang of it slowly.
We cruised home Sunday. Did you get all that?
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Thanks for the shout! I appreciate it and hate that I missed everyone this past weekend. I'm looking forward to Christmas and Thanksgiving to see some folks too! Thanks to PanicMan for teaching J how to send pics. Your butt has never looked better! haha