Hell froze over

What did you do for Independence Day? Did you help your husband with his big community event that required manual labor, willingness to get up close and personal with garbage and about 20 hours of your time?? I did! I did! Though it was all tiring, I’m not complaining really. J does a great job…

Olde New England Brewfest

Our day started with a lobster hangover. With so much to do in NH, we wanted to make the most of the day before hitting the beerfest. So we settled on Franconia Notch State Park. TheHoss and Accessory were impressed. We looked and looked for the Old Man in the Mountain, but he was still…

J & P’s B&B

After J’s mom left on Tuesday, more visitors came on Wednesday! Seriously, this is great practice for the B&B we hope to open someday … TheHoss returned to NH for Jimmy Buffet take 2. There were many differences this year compared with last year. For one, the Hoss brought his GF, Accessory. He also didn’t…

Who needs sunshine?

Despite the threat of rain all weekend, J and I decided we desperately needed some QT with nature, so we opted for an easy paddle on Saturday at Hopkinton Lake & Stumpfield Marsh. It was marvelous. I think Mother Nature and I have kissed and made up. Okay, maybe not. Sunday was supposed to be…

Until next season …

Indoor soccer has ended for us until the fall. It’s bittersweet because I love playing, but it’s summer (supposedly!) and it just doesn’t make sense to spend time indoors. We ended up with a decent record, considering with how we started last fall. We played 4 sessions and so we’ve lost and gained many teammates.…

Summer indeed

The weather may not show it, but one thing that tells me it’s summer in New England … lobsters!!! Last night, J & I got lobsters for dinner. We were out on our monthly shopping trip (food bill=$75, gotta love coupons), and had to stop at a different store for one food item. It’s the…

Paradise Lost

We expect Mother Nature to change around the furniture in her room once in awhile, but I am still sad to hear that Havasupai Canyon was hit hard. The popular backpacker’s destination west of Grand Canyon National Park just reopened since major floods wreaked havoc last August and the buzz is not good. Oh, and…

The Sucky Tray

I’m sorry to report an epic fail at the Tricky Tray. It all started when we got kicked out in the first 5 minutes. Because of Hallmark4Ever’s 9-month old. Me & GoodEgg4ever after a nice stroll at Horseshoe Lake, some old stomping grounds. I specifically called and asked if babies were welcome. “Yes, of course.…

Tricky Trays

My list of the things I strongly dislike about NJ is far too long, so instead, here are some of the things I DO like about my home state (besides friends and family):PizzaDeli BagelsCheese Gravy Fries24-hour DinersJersey shore/boardwalk (this is 50/50 for me – it was fun when I was young)Having gas pumped for you…


Having visitors this past weekend and spending some time outdoors reminded me that summertime is here and I’m excited (despite the fact that it is 45 degrees out and raining here – gotta love NH weather). We have lots of visitors lined up again this summer. J’s mom and sisters will probably all visit separately.…

Live Free or Die Fest I

J is lucky enough to keep in touch with most of his high school buds from the Prep. Many of them still live in Jersey, but a few have strayed to other states. Despite geographical challenges and regular commitments, they find ways to get everyone together as often as possible. In fact, Crabfest, which takes…

Play ball!

Like it or not, we live in Red Sox nation. And well, if you can’t beat them, you might as well join them. Tuesday, J ran a trip for his town to go to a game (he technically does not have to chaperone these trips, but why not?). I’ve been to Fenway once last year,…

Ahoy Mate!

A long time ago, we invited a bunch of J’s friends (and SOs) up for Memorial Day weekend. We reserved a boat and told them we’d get our boating license. All of the sudden, Memorial Day weekend was not but 2 weeks away and we never did get that pesky license. So this weekend J…

Scratch the cable question

Uh, yeah, so in typical P & J fashion, we scored something for free. We thought long and hard over the cable thing. We considered the feedback we got from you, the Internet. Thank you. Then, we were having dinner with our landlords on Friday night and we told them about the cable company’s deal.…