I’m blogging from NH and I’m not happy about it. I’m supposed to be in Philly having a girls’ weekend that took months of planning. Mother Nature had other plans. Not only is she currently dumping 2 feet of snow on the Philly area, she is giving us not one inch. What the great googly moogly.
I’m not too mad, though. US Airways renewed my faith (a little) by easily rebooking me. Because of the weather, they waived all change fees and allowed me to rebook within 7 days. And amazingly enough, all my girlfriends had free time next weekend, so we just pushed back our gathering. T minus 7 days until quality girl time.
Unfortunately for J, he had to cancel the keg and strippers last minute. And they are unavailable for next weekend.
Hopefully we are dug out from Round #2! Bring an extra suitcase so we can send some snow home with you. I'm so over it!