J and I have been making our way through the list of Academy Award Best Picture winners, a goal we set in 2008, but thought would take us through our retirement. Instead, we may actually finish by the end of 2010. We have never really been “movie” people, but watching these Oscar winners has been quite an education, as many of them are about historical events. I’m happy to report that out of the 80 movies from 1927 on, we’ve seen and rated 49!!
And because we are as good as Siskel & Ebert, I’m sharing our reviews (1981-present). I’m sorry, but I’m way too lazy to link all the movies. Just google them.
Slumdog Millionaire (2009)
P=9, J=7
I personally loved this movie, but I also heart anything bollywoodish. It’s an interesting and unique story nonetheless, and a peak into the Indian culture.
No Country for Old Men (2008)
P=9, J=8
Violent movie, but sort of suspenseful.
The Departed (2007)
P=9, J=8
You must pay attention when watching this movie. And I heart Leonardo DiCaprio.
Crash (2006)
P=8, J=8
Sad, but true, depiction of our society
Million Dollar Baby (2005)
P=9, J=7
Good, good acting in this movie. Sad story.
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2004)
P=7, J=7
I enjoyed the whole series, but at this point, I was like, can we just get there Frodo?
Chicago (2003)
P=6, J=5
Musicals are better on stage.
A Beautiful Mind (2002)
P=9, J=8
This movie makes me sad every time I watch it. It’s a really heart-warming story.
Gladiator (2001)
A high-action film of the Roman empire.
P=9, J=9
American Beauty (2000)
P=8, J=9
Odd and a little uncomfortable, but still a good lesson about life
Shakespeare in Love (1999)
P=9, J=8
I took an entire course on Shakespeare in college, so this was great to see the “making” of Romeo and Juliet. And Joseph Fiennes is hooooot.
Titanic (1998)
P=9, J=8
What a love story! I saw it 3 times in the movies when it first came out. Plus, Leooooooo!
The English Patient (1997)
P=8, J=8
This was a surprising good love story set during WWII.
Braveheart (1996)
P=9, J=10
Action-packed movie about loyalty and honor set in the 13th century.
Forrest Gump (1995)
P=8, J=9
Another one that warms the heart. And Tom Hanks was just incredible in this movie.
Schindler’s List (1994)
P=10, J=9
I know this always comes out wrong, but I love the Holocaust. I guess it’s better to say that I love learning about the Holocaust.
Unforgiven (1993)
P=6, J=6
An interesting western. I wonder if that’s how it was really like back then with saloons, cowboys and prostitutes.
Silence of the Lambs (1992)
P=9, J=7
Disturbing, but intriguing. Along with the Holocaust, I love serial killers.
Dances with Wolves (1991)
P=7, J=7
Real cowboys and Indians.
Driving Miss Daisy (1990)
P=6, J=5
This is a slow movie, but a nice story about rich, old, white folk living in the South.
Rain Man (1989)
P=7, J=7
Great acting on Dustin Hoffman’s part, but it was actually kind of a slow movie. Good story though.
The Last Emperor (1988)
P=6, J=6
I never knew much about the Chinese emperor, but now I know a whole lot more. Makes me want to go and visit the Forbidden City!
Platoon (1987)
P=7, J=7
It’s hard to look into the life of a soldier, especially during the Vietnam War, but here’s a movie that gives a real glimpse of that life.
Out of Africa (1986)
P=8, J=8
This was another surprise for us. It’s about a headstrong woman exploring the wild of Africa. Women empowerment!
Amadeus (1985)
J=3, P=6
I found this to be a humorous account of a young Mozart, but as you can see, J did not enjoy it.
Terms of Endearment (1984)
J=6, P=8
You could dub this a chick flick, really, and a tear-jerker. A funny side note on this movie, the PG and R ratings were the only options. Lots of F-bombs in a PG movie!
Gandhi (1983)
J=7, P=8
I had no idea about Gandhi’s life, which was truly amazing. One of those really educational films.
Chariots of Fire (1982)
J=4, P=4
Chariot racing should still be part of the Olympics, just like it was in 1924.
Ordinary People (1981)
J=5, P=7
I felt like this touched on a controversial topic–depression in the 1970s. Everyone covered it up back then and that makes this film interesting to me.
We’ve actually seen every movie since 1964 and will keep plugging along. Stay tuned for the next batch …
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Loved Slumdog Millionaire!
A nine for No Country for Old Men? Please tell me what I missed!
The Departed… don't think I realized that won. Agree, A+ movie. Forget Leo, give me Markie Mark.
Times like this I wish I had Netflix. I have to see more off this list.
Jen, I think we have opposite tastes in movies … and men. Remember I am team Edward? And I loved Into the Wild. So maybe you should ignore our reviews:)
But seriously, there are some great movies in these classics … and some not so great ones. J and I think the 1970s were the worst of the batch so far.
Does your library have movies? That's where we get all of ours! They've started to buy some of the titles they don't carry just because of us!!!