J had his annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday! Another successful event with 5,000 eggs and about 500 people in attendance!
I like to give my husband credit for all the events he puts on, but the truth is, he could not put these events on without the help of his volunteers. He is a one-man department. How could he? During his 3 years here, he has built a committee of 9 members who are 100% committed, plus some others outside the committee (Hi!). It’s great.
The thing is, I don’t think the community actually realizes he is a one-man department. Case in point. I am conducting an online survey to find out what 3 movies the community wants for the summer movie in the park series J will host. In addition to picking their movies, the people could add comments. There was a TON of positive feedback. What was funny to me was that all of the feedback was directed to “the Recreation Department.”
The Recreation Department is wonderful. I love all the activities and events you put on. Thank you.
Can’t wait for a summer with the rec department!
You guys are great! Thanks for all that you do to help our town.
It just caused me to chuckle. It is J’s fault. Every event says “presented by the Recreation Department.” Oh well, he never does anything to get “credit” anyways! It’s just good to know the people are happy. And when they are not, we’ll just blame the “department.”