“Some people are thermometers, some are thermostats. You’re a thermostat. You don’t register the temp in the room, you change it.”
Mouth, my sort-of brother, got married this weekend. This is the quote (by Andre Agassi) his brother said in his best man speech. Mouth is definitely a thermostat.
I lived with Mouth (and 5 others who also became “brothers” and “sisters”) in Phoenix while we dedicated ourselves to volunteer service for a year after college. Seeing your brother get married has very special meaning. Especially when he marries an equally good friend (NHBound). They have been dating since 1986 … or 2002 … so it’s been a long time coming.
The wedding was not a one-day event. With a number of folks coming in from Phoenix for the wedding, the celebrations lasted all weekend. Our first visitors arrived to stay with us on Thursday (Sunshine and Stout). Then Friday, Roid (my other brother), Peace and their Baby M came. J & I hosted a big BBQ for about 20 Phoenix folks on Friday night. J worked hard on food detail and I … socialized.

The wedding was Saturday, but it started with an intense softball game. Thankfully, no one got hurt, although Mouth played with a broken toe and pinkie. And the wedding itself was wonderful. I still can’t believe they are married! The reception was great … J & I were finally able to put some of those dance moves we’ve been learning into action. In fact, we found for the slow dances that it was nearly impossible to sway dance. We always felt compelled to foxtrot or waltz.

As I mentioned, I lived with Mouth and Roid during our volunteer year. NHBound completed the same volunteer program, only 1 year later with 3 other gals. They were all present. From our house, though, there were only 3 out of the 6. I guess that’s what happens when you are the last one married in the house!
The activity continued on Sunday with a brunch, some airport runs and a gathering at NHBound’s parents’ house. Look at this picture. NHBound and Mouth look the least tired, even though they’re the ones who were busier! Meanwhile, J, Roid, Peace & I look like death is at our doorstep. The weekend was just purely exhausting with all the activities.
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Congrats to the happy couple!