John Muir said, “The mountains are calling and I must go.” We agree. So we are going.
Today we leave to hike southbound on The Long Trail in Vermont. It’s the oldest long-distance hiking trail in America (completed in 1930). We are going to try to complete between 150-175 miles of the 273-mile trail. The section we are doing is described as “very tough.” I guess the trail is more of a rock and mudslide, but we think we know what we are getting into. We hope to test out all our gear and know that it is up to par for when we attempt to thru-hike the AT. We also want to test our limits. Neither of us has done more than a 4-day backpacking trip, so 13 days will definitely be a good, gulp, test. I do believe it will rain for 12 out of the 13 days, so this is another good test. And it’s October in Vermont. It could very well snow!!
As torturous as that sounds to most, we are terribly excited. The views on the trail are supposed to be phenomenal, especially during the peak fall season we are in. I am just hoping we don’t give up after the first 10 miles … LOL!
QuickQuestion may update the blog with reports on our progress if she can and if I call her. Cell service is not the greatest out there. We only go through 1 town and all it has is a post office (so we mailed ourselves some food). Wish us luck!!!
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I'm so excited for y'all! Southbound—pshhhaw! 😉 I'm can't wait to see what the northern section is like, southern Vermont on the LT/AT is super easy. And since y'all have done the Whites, I think the challenges won't be nearly as hard.