Happy Superbowl! We’re just sitting here watching the game and commercials (disappointing so far, no?) as well as the Black Eyed Peas’ half-time show (Yippeeeee!) on our sweet 13-inch TV. Our 27-incher (which we understand isn’t even that big) finally kicked the bucket for good and we are not in a position to be buying TVs, even though they are really cheap right now. I have supersonic eyes, so the 13-incher is just fine to me, but J keeps complaining that he can’t see anything. Rough life, no?
We can’t buy a TV right now because we are too busy buying outdoor gear at the REI garage sale. You see where our priorities are. We actually weren’t planning to go to the garage sale because Mama F was supposed to be in town. But her trip was canceled due to the white stuff (snow, that is, not cocaine). So we went to the sale after all.
We got there late by our standards … 8am. It was approximately .8 degrees when we left in the morning, so standing outside for more than 2 hours did not seem appealing. We were 100 people deep in the line but thankfully, we still scored some sick deals and spent less than we usually do.
One of the biggest deals was a tent. We are in the market for a backpacking tent fit for our AT trip. We have set up and read reviews on many, many tents. We have resolved to the fact that we will pay full price for the tent, something we NEVER do when it comes to outdoor gear. But, at the garage sale, we came across a NEMO Espri 2P tent, which originally costs $299 and was marked down to $75 for no good reason really. In fact, we ran into 2 of the NEMO designers and they said the tent costs more than $100 to MAKE! So it was too good of a steal to pass up.
We are not sure if we are going to keep it, or if it will be our AT tent. We really had our eyes on the Big Agnes Cooper Spur 2P. It has the space (height and floor space) we were looking for and 2 doors, without adding too much weigh.
And now, the NEMO girls told us that in March, the company is coming out with a 2-door lightweight tent as well. Hmmm. It’s a good thing we’re not starting until June and we have more time to make this very important decision.
And now that I am done babbling about tents and TVs, I will leave you from some pictures from our XC ski at Carter Hill Orchards. When we go skiing in Concord, we usually go to the local golf course, but we discovered these trails among the frozen apple trees. Once again, we are discovering parts of Concord we didn’t even know existed. That’s one thing I love about this place.
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Glad to hear Mama F kicked the ye-o habit!