We spent last week in Chi-town becoming acquainted with our new nephew!
We tried to take a little of the load off of the brand-new family of 3 by helping with dishes, meal times, bath time, changing diapers, getting peed, pooped and spit up on. It is uncanny how similar lil E is to Deal in the number of times he goes to the bathroom each day and how much gas he has.
Deal thought it would be a great idea to pass on his own prized childhood stuffed animals to his new protege. However, the vintage appeal of P-I-G and Monkey (Deal was clever with his names as a child, huh?) was not well received. I believe they are now being stored in the garbage.
We also initiated our aunt/uncle tradition of reading “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” which we’ve done for years with our other nephew and niece. Lil E was most attentive, so that’s a good start!!
Deal was such a good baby whisperer, he is actually returning to Chicago next month to help out while Russ/Napolean Dynamite is away for business.
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Y'all look good with a baby! 😉 I know, I know…I'm *that* person…hehe!
P-I-G and Monkey hitched a ride to the east coast. I am sure they will be found soon!
Great photos! I can't wait to meet him next week 🙂