What’s that they say about certainty in life? There are two things you can count on: death and taxes.
The days surrounding J’s grandma’s funeral were a whirlwind of chaos. It was especially hard for J & I to have so much stuff packed into a 3-day period after having so little going on for the last 2 months in CO. In any case, all of the services were beautiful. And the consensus was Grandma lived a long, full life and did every single thing she wanted to do. We should all be so lucky.
This is only my 2nd funeral that I can remember attending. I am realizing how lucky I am for that. But, I know there is a lot of death ahead of me and I am scared (to death) of that. No pun intended.
I like to find the silver lining in all things, so the funny thing about funerals is how it brings family together.
The time in NJ kicked off our month of couch-surfing—or more politely known as visiting—friends and family before we head up to Oregon. Thank you in advance for answering your doorbell. And as the Catholic season of Lent begins this week, let it be known I am giving up having a closet for the next 40 days and 40 nights. Come to think of it, I haven’t had a closet–with the exception of a temporary one in NJ and CO–since April 15, 2013.
We are spending a bit of time in VA and GA, then crossing the country for the 8th time this year, finally landing in OR by April 1 or so. Because road trips in the middle of winter always seems like a smart idea.
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If you guys need a place to stay outside of Philly, let me know. I'm in Collingswood, NJ, and have a large living room with futon. 🙂