Voting is still open through the end of March for the Montana contest … come on people, don’t you want to see us get to Montana??? We are nowhere close to winning and need your votes!!
Well, we have finished our East Coast stint.
J & I had decided before heading to these parts that we were done with the epic winter we had in Colorado and ready to move on to spring, hence the perfectly timed trip to the Southeastern states of Virginia & Georgia to visit family and friends.
Except that old man winter was puzzled and followed us. We lived in Danville from 2004 to 2007 and saw it snow once. This would be our second time. And of course the storm fell on the day we were driving. It took us 2.5 hours to go 60 miles. Thankfully, once again, AWD Big Bird prevailed through crazy ice & snow storms in Virginia and North Carolina.
Finally, FINALLY, we found some spring in Savannah and VA Beach. Have hope, everyone. Spring exists.
In any case, our mini finding spring road trip has allowed us to see most of J’s family!!
J got to play 2 rounds of golf with his dad and I decided that is one hobby J & I will never share. I’ll stick to watching from the passenger seat of the golf cart.
We also went to an ODU vs. VMI baseball game in VA Beach. J’s cousin coaches baseball at ODU and they won!
I have one beef with spring. Allergies. Nope, not my allergies (I have none), but J’s. His allergies cause him to have the most insane face explosions that reach 90+ decibels. He inherited this trait from his entire family. In my opinion, sneezes should come in between 30 and 50 decibels, especially when in the confines of a small car.
We have been running ragged these past few weeks going from place to place getting things accomplished and squeezing in as many visits as humanly possible–a vast difference from our free time-filled 2 months in CO. It’s a blessing in disguise when I don’t have time to check Facebook or read my lost list of blogs.
So we are finishing up our time in the Southeast and have packed up our belongings (gear mostly) that will get us through the next year (again). We have SO much gear. This is not really a complaint, just more of a scratch-my-head out-loud rhetorical question asking how did we accumulate so much gear??? But no time to really ponder it because besides trying to decide what we can cram into Big Bird, we were in Danville finalizing home improvement projects (again) at our money pit, in between visitations with our awesome Danville friends who always make us feel like we’ve come home.
Now we will be westbound, hopefully in the continued spring weather. Our friends and family gasp at how many times we drive across the country (especially in recent years) and honestly, driving from VA to Denver is no different to us than you driving from your house to the closest Starbucks.
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🙂 Spring! It's been teasing us here. Got a set back in the garden after a freeze last week. Florida made me wish it was already summer.