Currently living/working: It’s still been quieter work-wise around these parts with a long lead out for deadlines, but it’s been an adequate balance of paying work and fun!
Current mood: Now that the bright orb is back in the sky for more than fleeting moments and we’ve enjoyed more much-needed snowfall, how could I not be in a good mood? Plus, we got to do a week of kitty-sitting finally!!!
Currently proud of: As self-employed creatives with many avenues of income, we have a variety of new and old opportunities in the works right now. Justin & I normally work on projects jointly, but we actually have been working on a few separate projects and deadlines lately.
First of all, I just submitted my first article for Alaska Magazine!! I’ll share it when it comes out in July.
Second of all, the Mendham Book Club (affiliated with the Chester Library) in New Jersey chose my book, which resulted in 25 orders!!!
Third of all, Justin & I are teaching 2 classes for the Kula Academy!
“Hiking New Zealand” – Thursday, March 25 at 5pm PST
“Gear Testing 101” – Monday, April 5 at 5pm PST
Gosh, there’s so much more, but I’ll stop there.
Currently thankful for: So many states are experiencing vaccine woes, and I know this because I’ve been trying to get my 75-year-old mom scheduled for a vaccine in New Jersey since January. However, Alaska is winning and ranks as the top state for per-capita vaccines! For a variety of reasons, there’s a plethora of doses available across the state. Justin & I received our first doses, with our second one coming this month. I feel awful that I am getting the vaccine before my mom, but that’s just the nature of the situation.
Currently excited about: Thanks to vaccination, Justin & I both feel safe enough to finally visit family, and to head to Denver for very long overdue follow-up medical appointments for Justin. We will still be taking all the safety precautions, but it feels like this time we won’t have to cancel our trips come April (3 times is a charm?).
Current guilty pleasure: We miss our ski partner and friend, Donna, as she went to visit her family as soon as she got the vaccine. But, she left us with endless use of her shower, laundry & wireless Internet, so come back Donna, but not too soon?
Currently amazed by: It’s been a year since I’ve been on Lexapro. It was a year before that when I noticed that I was becoming a bit unhinged with fixated and spiraling thoughts. Justin noticed my mood swings, but he takes them steadily and never made me feel bad about them. But I wanted to be that sparkly human again! I wanted to feel like myself again! Basically, I needed to lighten the F up. After talking to my doctor and friends for months, I decided modern medicine was a worthwhile endeavor. Enter a low dose of Lexapro, as well as a few other practices (i.e., returning to a paper calendar planner to triage my to-do list). I am happy to say I feel a complete 180—more focused on the things I can control and not sweating the small stuff.
Currently not excited about: While I am stoked to see my family, I know traveling will be a bit anxiety-inducing and overwhelming. We’ve managed to keep our environment quite insular and disconnected in Alaska, especially in our small community where the only thing Justin & I do indoors is go to the post office a few times per week! When we go to the big city of Fairbanks (~40,000 people), that feels wild and crazy enough for us. But the LOWER 48??? Whoa Nelly.
Current confession: Along those lines, we did venture out of our bubble and meet up with some fully vaccinated friends this weekend for some skiing and hot springing. It was WAAAY more crowded in the hot springs than we felt comfortable with, but here’s hoping we don’t actually regret it!
Currently regretting: I’ve never procrastinated on doing taxes more than I am this year. The book creates a whole new level of accounting! Justin’s lackadaisical response to this: we have time! There’s still 6 weeks! Me: Deep breaths, deep breaths.
Currently worried about: Oy vey, we’ve been fighting with insurance on some med changes this month and fingers crossed all will work out in our favor! And my mom and her siblings are doing the same thing with my Nana right now. Aren’t adult insurance issues so fun???
Currently watching on Netflix: We’re still on the “Outlander” kick on Netflix, entering Season 2! But we did take a break in between “Outlander” seasons to watch something more light-hearted: “Little Fires Everywhere” on Hulu!
Currently reading: I read 2.5 books this month, all of which I borrowed from friends.
Faith of Cranes: Finding Hope and Family in Alaska by Hank Lentfer. I love this book!!!! Hank is a freaking hard-core conservationist and I admire his ideals!
Wild Game: My Mother, Her Lover, and Me by Adrienne Brodeur. This is sort of a twisted story of a mother-daughter relationship! I only read it because it was in my collection of freebies passed on by a friend.
I’m halfway through Calypso by David Sedaris, but I’m not loving it. My friend Donna recommended it as she feels inspired to write when she reads it. But for whatever reason, it’s just not holding my attention.
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Looking forward to the classes you will be teaching!
Super exciting updates!
First, YAY for vaccine! I was hoping y’all got one when I saw Alaska was up there in vaccine allocations! That’s excellent news! And that will be great for y’all to get down to see your family!
25 book order! WOOT! Awesome job!
And Kula Academy—another excellent thing!
I’m so concerned about the divide between people lucky enough to get the vaccine and those who can’t yet. It feels like some people are back to regular life but excluding others who can’t get the vaccine. It is a little hard to see. Especially when a friend says she will only hug people who are vaccinated. Strange times. Congratulations on the feast of work. Taxes aren’t hard to do although I think I will drop the self employed status next year, I just don’t make enough from my books to justify.