Arctic Adventures: Volume 39—Home Improvement Projects Take 4

In keeping with my annual recap of home improvement projects accomplished (really for my own record-keeping), let’s rewind to summer 2024. (Here’s summer 2020, 2022 & 2023).

I love that we live in an authentic log cabin, but after 5 years of ownership, I would consider wood structures to be very high maintenance. Wood is more prone to damage from water, insects, movement, but most structures up here are logged. The upkeep every summer involves an exfoliation (sanding) and a spray tan (staining). This year, we tackled a second wall of the cabin. It was a bit more difficult because there was the door frame and windows, so we had to pull off several pieces to treat (and repainted them green to pop … because why not). This side gets most of the weather (sun, wind, etc), so it was particularly in need of attention (and we already have noticed a difference this winter). As a reminder, the process is for us to sand all the old stain off, then fill in any cracks with backer rod/caulk, then slap on 2 coats of stain.