Who needs sunshine?

Despite the threat of rain all weekend, J and I decided we desperately needed some QT with nature, so we opted for an easy paddle on Saturday at Hopkinton Lake & Stumpfield Marsh. It was marvelous. I think Mother Nature and I have kissed and made up. Okay, maybe not. Sunday was supposed to be…

Until next season …

Indoor soccer has ended for us until the fall. It’s bittersweet because I love playing, but it’s summer (supposedly!) and it just doesn’t make sense to spend time indoors. We ended up with a decent record, considering with how we started last fall. We played 4 sessions and so we’ve lost and gained many teammates.…

Buzz Buzz Buzz

So I told you we had another dance on Saturday night. The theme was something along the lines of got cabin fever, think spring. Our thoughts led us to the bee and beekeeper (whose company is called Bee Be Gone Inc.). Most other people were wearing bright colors and flowers. But they knew to expect…

A fun Tuesday night out

As if we didn’t spend enough money this weekend out at our pub crawl, J and I decided to do something different Tuesday night. We’ve been trying to go more this winter to the indoor rock climbing gym in Manchester, that way maybe this summer, we’ll actually feel prepared to climb outside and check out…

Mardi Gras!

Our dance studio hosted another theme party (they do it every month), so it has just been “our thing” to try to come up with crazy costumes. I think we did pretty well. The hats made it difficult for our turns in the waltz and swing, but they were still fun! We are currently waiting…

10:30 in the PM

What will you be doing at 10:30pm tonight? Probably getting ready for bed, or in bed sleeping already … Not us. Because the stupid people who make our soccer schedule have us playing a 52-minute game at 10:30pm!!! WTF? Crossing fingers that our whole team shows up because that would be some fine dedication. Not…


My mom brought us good luck in soccer yesterday. We killed the other team. They stopped counting the goals, but it ended up being something like 15-1. So since we were ahead by so much, I played up (I usually play defense). Everyone was trying really hard to set me up for a goal. Finally,…

Final Score: 7-2

Did I mention that J and I play indoor soccer? Well, for the first time since we’ve been playing in October, we won last night!!! Yeah, I know, that means we lost a lot of games. But in our defense, we were strangers playing together and never had time to practice. There are teams playing…