Mountain Man???

FYI, this is a guest blog post by hubby, so please excuse all typos, poor spelling and incorrect grammar.  In my wife’s last blog she called me a “Mountain Man.”  I am not quite sure I have earned that title yet, but I am striving at it and I totally rocked out this past 6-day,…

Currently …

I came across a “Currently” blog post from this Colorado blogger and I loved the idea. Apparently, this is not new to the blogging scene, but once again, I live under a rock when it comes to these things.  So here goes my own version of “Currently.” Currently thankful for: being on blood thinners for…

Happy birthday J!!!

First of all, happy birthday to my old man!!  For the many, many years, he would tell people he was 22 when they asked his age. Lately, he’s been saying 31. Getting closer to his real age, but still in denial! J shares his bday with a number of our friends and friend’s kids ……

Adventures in Idaho

We just spent the last week exploring Idaho. For those of you thinking Idaho is not so cool of a state, think again. It is way cool. This state is covered more by national forest and wilderness land than anything else. The state even survived a mysterious volcano and earthquake, so brownie points for that.…

Goodbye Texas

We spent 3 glorious days and 2 glorious nights exploring Big Bend National Park. For a trip we weren’t planning to make, we have no regrets. I have so much to say & don’t know where to begin. This is a warning, folks, this could get long & ugly. We weren’t sure we wanted to…