I owe my 5 blog readers some updates, so prepare for bullets on Friday!
• I got most of the feeling back in my lower lip/chin. I will see oral surgeon on Tuesday, but I’m going to venture to say that the rest of the feeling is not coming back. I talked to a few other people (from my numb support group … kidding) who said it never came back for them. Don’t worry about giving me any more sympathy, seriously. It’s just 10% of my lower lip/chin that is lacking feeling. And the drooling/biting lip has ceased.
• Our TV is still in the shop. J called last week sometime to check on the status and they said, “oh, no one called you to tell you it’s actually going to cost $450 to fix the TV.” To which he replied with some profanities. So on Tuesday, we went to look for a new TV and stopped at the repair counter so J could tell them they can shove our TV up their behind. But then the nice manager man redeemed his store’s reputation by saying, “we’ve been meaning to call you. We decided to eat the cost of the repair and stand by our original $200 estimate. It was our fault for giving you the quote prematurely.” A-W-E-S-O-M-E! See? J always gets his way. Of course, we still don’t know when we will have the TV in our hands …
• J and I were watching “How I Met Your Mother” (on the computer) and it was about resumes and including silly accomplishments on it (like being the hot dog eating champ). I looked at my own and realized I was holding on dearly to these:
Additional Accomplishments
Holy Cross Associate post-graduation full-time volunteer
Director of High School Youth Ministry for St. Gregory’s Catholic Church
Assistant Cross Country Coach for Dan River High School
Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Crown
Could it be time to part with them? I tend to think it shows I try to do community service and like teenagers. I don’t know. I would love some opinions!
• I was a child of the 80s, but this week I longed to be an adult of the 80s. You see, my company was bought (big cheer everyone! I can keep my job!) and we have to fill out all new benefit information and make choices that adults make. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve switched insurance between getting married and my company switching providers, and it just never gets easier. Yes, I do write about this crap, but it’s not the same as having to make the actual decisions. Anyways, my point is, I think it was much simpler to live as an adult in the 80s because you had no choices and insurance was just handed to you on a silver platter.
• It is supposed to de-freeze here this weekend and I am semi-excited because the simple tasks are just so difficult when it’s below zero. Like getting the mail. Taking out the trash. Pumping gas. I actually thought for a minute yesterday evening I might have frost bite when I was throwing dirt down on the driveway. Why was I throwing dirt down on the driveway, you may ask? To get little Fernando out onto the road and to get to my destination. In an effort to save on gas money, J tried to take Fernando to work earlier this week. After 4 attempts of trying to get out of the driveway, I heard him yell, “F this. I’m taking the truck.” Because of my dirt-throwing last night, he was able to get out of the driveway this morning (see proof below).
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Now come on, we know your husband does not swear… maybe that was you hearing yourself. Aren’t you all cooped up in that house?
Go FERNANDO go! I think I can…. I think I can ….! YEAH!
Blog reader #3 checking in… love randomness