There was another REI garage sale on Saturday, so we had to go, we just had to. Even though it was 27 degrees when we got on line at 7:30 in the morning (we were number 20 or so), it was worth it as usual. I went in with a budget in mind and only exceeded it by $20. J, on the other had no budget, and exceeded it. I’m glad we decided to go because there were a lot of “photo shoot” items, which means they were unused, but still 75% off.
The things I got that I “needed” were for my new biking hobby. Every time we biked, my buns were in pain, but good bike shorts with padding usually run in the $65-$95 range. I got mine for $9.83. I also got a new bike helmet. The one I had been using was falling to pieces. It’s seen me through many miles and many crashes, but it was time to update. I also picked up snowshoes. Yeah, definitely didn’t need those, but it was too sweet of a deal to pass up. Regularly price $180 … I paid $40. I fully admit I am a gear junkie.
J got a lot of things for our future AT thru hike. It seems like everything he picks up these days, he says, “this is totally going on the trail with me.” I can’t wait to see him pack his bag and keep it under 35 lbs. His best buy was probably his AT trail backpack, which was about 70% off. He’s been trying out different packs and this seems like it will be “the one.” It was rated backpack of the year and has all the bells and whistles–hydration compatable, sleeping bag compartment, carbon fiber frame and tons of pockets. For any fellow gear junkies out there, it’s the Gregory Baltoro 70.
J and I decided that for the next REI garage sale (in January), we are just going to stay at home because we clearly have an addiction problem!
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