We are currently in New Hampshire, thoroughly enjoying our time and busy visiting with friends all over the state. But, I have to interrupt my normally scheduled blog updates to recognize something very cool.
Holy canoli, this is my 500th blog post! And because it’s my 500th blog post, I couldn’t waste it on just another rant about our semi-retired life.
Hitting 500 blog posts would not have been possible without all of you. It’s been 4 wonderful years (it all began Jan. 22, 2008) and I have no intention of ceasing this blog. I thoroughly enjoy writing about nothing. Can’t you tell? Your e-mails and comments encouraged me greatly to keep on writing. You probably don’t really know how much I love comments on the blog. FYI, I am currently in a deep depression as the comments have decreased since our Appalachian Trail hike … but I digress.
Because I am so grateful for my blog readers and want to commemorate them to celebrate my 500th post milestone, I am doing a giveaway. Here are the rules:
1) The contest starts now and ends Sunday, February 19th at 9pm EST (which happens to be my first day of my new job).
2) You enter by leaving a comment here on the blogspot site (not Facebook) about your favorite wanderinglavignes post (I told you I was a comment whore). And I know many of you like to remain anonymous, but please make sure I at least know who you are!
For example, if Deal were to enter the contest (which he will, most likely), he would leave a comment saying his favorite post is “Whose Got My Extra????” Click to read, or I’ll just save you the trouble. It’s about a concert.
3) One entry per person, please. That goes for you, Deal!
4)This giveaway is open to all my readers, including my fabulous international readers (hi Chris!). Whether you read the blog every day since I started, or are new, please enter! Lurkers, come out, come out wherever you are!
5) The winner will be picked using Random.org, which will generate the magic number. I will announce the winner on Monday, Feb. 20.
6) The prize is … $50 gift card to REI!!! I pondered what would be a great prize, but ultimately, I can’t pass up the chance to share our love for REI with others. Even if you don’t hike, camp, paddle or rock climb like us, you can definitely find something there!! And everything is 100% guaranteed, so you can always return an item if you are unhappy.
Questions? Just e-mail me. Let the comments and contest begin.
Here’s to 500 more!!!!
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My favorite blog post was Visit #4 in July 2010… because it is about our get together! It was so much fun and the kids love visiting their outdoorsy aunt and uncle who expose them to oh so much! And I am honored to be the parent of the kids who continue to be your "birth control".
I like your Goodbye Texas post: http://wanderinglavignes.blogspot.com/2011/12/goodbye-texas.html
The pictures were beautiful.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
It is so hard to pick just one….
I love the concert posts!
I love the hiking posts!
And all the posts about me!
But my favorite is one that you did not even write!
It is a guest post for your 31st birthday because I get to tell everyone how wonderful you are, even though they all already know it.
Here is it: http://www.wanderinglavignes.blogspot.com/2009/08/guest-blog-for-birthday-girl.html
I am *not* turning down a chance for $50 to REI! 🙂
My favorite posts, and I am sure I could come up with more:
I was reading your blog and a thought came to mind that I probably had never read your posts from before we met. It brought back good memories reading about our days in maine. My favorite post has to be "Mile 151.2 Days 11-13" cause its the first time I am mentioned haha. Look forward to seeing you guys soon!
How would I choose a favorite?? I loved reading about your big bad adventure and your life since, all of it! I did love the post about the 'story behind the believe rock'. I loved that it was just a small token that meant so much to you and the person who had it before you, we all need to be reminded to believe in something now and then whether on a big adventure or just every day life. Happy 500th post!
I have to agree. Your posts are wonderful! It's hard to choose a favorite. "Training the Mister – EDITED" was a pretty hilarious one! I made me laugh out loud.
your trips sound so wonderful! I liked your Hut, Hut, Hut post most of all! your posts are very inspiring! Congratulations!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Eastbound & Loaded Down is my favorite for selfish reasons, you were coming back to see us. The most worrisome was the one where Steadee got stung; it changed my whole vibrational energy for days because I wanted YOU TO GO TO THE ER, you crazy woman!!! I still hope Virginia appreciates you guys cause if not please come back to NH where you know you are loved.
I just wanted to point out to your readers that they can follow a scrapbooker's blog at Delightful Designs by Katherine.
Steadee and J/Deal,
Great presentation here at the library in J/Deal's town. I wish I could have visited more and didn't have to rush home to get my two year old home and in bed that night. I also wish you guys still lived here — I stumbled across your blog after the presentation, and I think my wife and I have a lot in common with you guys. It's a bummer for us that you guys are now out of the area. We'll look you up, though, if we're down near your new place. Great blog! My favorite entry, and I looked at several and found it hard to choose, is "Triathlete."
Keep living life to the fullest and sharing your adventures!
Soccer Goalie for a Season
My favorite post was the time when the snake was found in the cabin.
I also liked hearing how many holes were dug per day.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the AT posts, and Deals favorite post was hilarious – I knew you had some cougar in ya! But I must say I most enjoy the posts that include the GAF and the notorious Bolt – with my favorite post being Bolt's near death experience and the whole reason he earned his trail name on a certain NH peak (Bolt has been there twice in the winter and the summer summit was by far the most dangerous). I enjoy reading about your adventures and will continue to live vicariously through your blog. To 500 and many more – cheers!
Hi, there! WOW – your 500th Blog Post – that's quite a record! I love your entire blog, both the writing & the photos, esp. about your AT Thru Hike!! The blog post about your AT hike dated Sat., 6/25/11 & titled "Mile 220 – Days 17-19" was my favorite, esp. the part where Deal woke Steadee up, saying there were "bunnies outside the lean-to", and D was in an "intense staring contest with a bunny on steroids" with red eyes!! And you later learned these are the "immense snowshoe hares of Maine that often feast on thru hikers"! I'm so glad you were both spared so you could finish your AT hike!! This post really gave me a good laugh! It was so great to see you both on Feb. 9 in NH, and to have a chance to visit with you. Your AT presentation was AWESOME, and enjoyed by all of us at SSC!! Best of luck in your new jobs, and I'll be in touch later with blog comments and/or email! Best to you both! – Sara D
Like I told you on our hut trip, I could listen to your AT stories forever. Keep on writing, Steadee, you've got me hooked!
~ Slap
I really enjoyed all the AT posts, and visitors 495 & 496, but I'm reserving my favorite tag for the post that will surely be written about Delaware's high point when you come for a visit!
I don't remember the title, but my fav was about Deal's birthday letters…because everybody loves them some Beef! -Smokey
My favorite post was when you guys came to visit Tampa, if I have to choose just one. I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting for your updates from the AT, but I will be selfish and say the one when you came to Tampa recently. It was so good to see you guys, and I thoroughly enjoyed the stories from the trail and fattening you guys up a little bit. You and the lil'Beef are such good people, and I love it when we're all together!
(I have to agree with Smokey above, the one about the birthday letters and the picture of him reading them was pretty priceless as well!)
Keep the posts coming! I'm hoping to change favorites in the future!
I really liked your post (especially pics) of when you met up with "Rambo" in Pearisburg, VA… That guy was SO COOL!!
But I don't think we have an REI anywhere near Danville. If I win can I just get 50 gift certificates for the $1 menu at McDonalds? 🙂
I agree with Deal…it's REALLY hard to pick one post (and obviously I like the ones about me;). (but unlike Deal I'm only entering this contest once). HOWEVER, I do love the cabin aka PARADISE, my PETS, and I loved your visit in January so I'm choosing –
My favorite post is called: Tis The Season. Steadee's summary of how us La Vignes communicate is pretty spot on! I think it is hilarious and very true of her opinion that the "others" are the communicators. This blog post made me realize that the others should do all the planning from now on! ~SILadventure