Almost immediately after my sister’s family left, Deal’s family
arrived! First, his preggo sister (our third niece or nephew to arrive
in November!!) SILMeow/Julie and her hubby Napolean Dynamite/Russ.
They were only at our place for one night before we ventured to Virginia
Beach (all the way on the other side of VA) for a family reunion. His family is not as big as my extended
family, but more spread out, so it’s fun to get everyone together.
In Virginia Beach, we did a little bit of everything!
Eating, Drinking, Paddle Boating, Unsuccessful Paddleboarding, Kayaking,
Canoeing, Eating, Drinking, Golf (Boys), Beach Time (Girls), Eating, Drinking, Family
History Discussions, Meeting the Child that Will Carry on Our Family
Name, Dueling Birthday Celebrations, Surprise Baby Shower, Competitive, Sweat-Inducing Games of Beersbe
(???), Eating, Drinking, … The pictures will speak louder than my
words. Fun times … the only hiccup was the 8 hours of traffic we sat in coming home …
Bun in the Oven:
Deal’s other sister SILAdventure/Jamie and girlfriend DocDoc/Rachel returned with us after the reunion. In keeping with her name, we embarked on a little adventure … rafting on the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers!! Fire Marshall/Mac and A-Game/Alex (Alex, your blog name has finally been determined … A-Game) joined us. These rivers are not raging, so we only got up to Class III, but our guide made it interesting and heart-pounding, especially when he made us “surf,” which essentially means we sunk our boat into the rapid. Plus, Deal loves to try to throw people out of the raft and do as little paddling as possible (same with SILAdventure). Thankfully no one went in. Oh, and the looming thunderstorm made it interesting as well.
Our visitors departed on my birfday and Deal treated to me to something we never do … the movies. But this was a special movie: “Step Up Revolution.” Did y’all know that in another life I was a dancer? I still dream about those days … oh wait, I’m unemployed. Maybe I can channel my inner “So You Think You Can Dance” character and make a career out of that?
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Are you saying Deal is a Lily Dipper?