Current mood: surprisingly content, with all that is going on
Currently thankful for: Snail Mail Netflix DVD mail service, since we can no longer stream video!
Currently worried about: Hmmm, where to start? My Nana is still not healed from a fall she took in December and even though she is back back home, we’ve all realized she will never be the same. My mom is driving 4 hours roundtrip about 3 times a week to help care for my Nana and I don’t care that she has a million guardian angels looking out for her on the road and she doesn’t complain, I know this is wearing her down. My dad took a quick overnighter to the hospital this week. Oh, and we have to hire a chef for RR before we open in 1 month. That’s right, the chef for RR is no longer with us!! This is now the 2nd chef they hired that didn’t work out for just 2 different reasons unrelated to us (we hadn’t even met the first one). Anyone want to quit their job and come cook for RR? Cami?
Currently excited about: building tipis next week! And, seeing 2 friends from NH next weekend who are “in the area” visiting family.
Currently regretting: not bringing my pizza stones from storage to Oregon. We will be making pizzas every Sunday for guests (our contribution to the cooking part of RR) and I know I will miss my stones.
Currently not excited about: the fact that it snowed/hailed on and off here all week. It even thunder snowed. The owners of RR gave us fair warning that this part of Oregon has a glum spring, but boy this 70s-themed-colored environment of brown, green and yellow is getting old.
Currently proud of: My freelance writing career … I’ve juggled a lot of different projects since we finished our AT thru hike in 2011. As a freelancer, you just never want to say no and these past few years, I committed to as many projects as was humanly possible even when working alongside J at BD, BP and now RR. I finally let one of the bigger projects go (reluctantly) to stop spreading myself so thin. I know I will always be a freelance writer on the side of whatever J & I are doing together, but I also know if I am giving attention to one thing, it means I am neglecting another. Plus, I no longer have to support J’s concert-going habits since there isn’t a single concert in a 180-mile radius!!!!!!
Currently reading: Nicholas Sparks’ “The Wedding” … I know it’s cheesy, but I needed a light book after reading the dark and disturbing “Dead Mountain” book about 9 missing hikers in the 1950s. Also, I borrowed this romance novel from a friend a year ago and I am determined to read and return it.
Current guilty pleasure: Easter candy & Girl Scout cookies that my mom mailed us!
Currently watching on Netflix: Whatever shows up in our mailbox!
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Now I know why J asked if I'd read this! Darn oh darn — I would SOooooo want to be the cook (can't really call myself a chef!)at RR if I wasn't committed to the big wedding this year!! SHOOT!
Hey Guys it's BJ (Shadow) and Clara (Country Mouse). We would love to talk about your planned adventure to NZ next year. Give us a call 615-613-5069. Wait a week or so because wifi and phone signals are hard to come by on the AK Highway. You can also shoot us and email
Hope to hear from you soon!