Currently just departed from: New Jersey. We were in NJ from July 1-17, with a few brief side trips, like for the high points and HCA reunion. Once again, it was great to visit with so many friends and family, celebrate birthdays, see our niece’s first play and just enjoy everyone’s company.
Current plan: this deserves a blog post all on its own. Be patient; it’s in the works. But there could be some clues to at least a location in this post.
Current mood: adjusting to a new situation, so we’ll get back to you on this one.
Currently thankful for: unrestricted views of lakes, mountains and wildlife!
Currently excited about: being in a remote area with our favorite wildlife (moose and bear) and birdlife (loons and hummingbirds)
Currently not excited about: massive mosquitoes, black flies and slow, limited Internet (again).
Currently worried about: I feel like this one is always a health concern for my side of the family and July is no different. My dad is having an angiogram on Wednesday to see if he has any blockages because his heart has been weaker than normal lately. If there are blockages, he will get more stents (he has 15). All of this is disconcerting because he is no spring chicken and gets tired/stressed from walking to the mailbox, let along being hospitalized and worked on. Send good vibes his way!!!
Currently regretting: leaving our kayaks in Colorado. In continuing our nomadic lifestyle, it is always hard to decide what to leave in storage and what to take with us. As it turns out, we would have used our kayaks a lot this summer.
Currently amazed by: my mom’s ice cream eating abilities. Her 4’10” frame and all 97 pounds can down 3 sundaes in one sitting. I never once questioned where I got my sweet tooth from; it is something I had since in utero.
Current confession: J did not do well on his Vegas trip last week, but at least he had fun celebrating his friend’s 40th bday!
Currently reading: “Girl on the Train” thanks to my sister for getting it for me as an early birthday gift!
Current guilty pleasure: Cable TV, which I enjoyed at my parents’ house the last month.
Currently watching on Netflix: Nada. May have to switch to the mail plan again.
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well, I was going to say you were in Colorado but then your clues lent itself to Vermont, NH, or Maine. So…you are running a hostel??? Or doing something similar???