Yes, I am still in NJ passing time and wondering do I go back to AK or stay with my mom—who despite having a terminal prognosis seems fairly stable, but embraces her fate waking up everyday and saying, “I just didn’t think I’d be alive today.” Reality bites, but I am practicing my best forms of patiences, presence and faith.
I figured why not reminisce about the good ‘ol days in December when I was present with Justin’s family in Denver.

It’s unbelievable that Justin had an infection brewing in his system the whole time we were gallivanting around Denver. And I mean gallivanting. We had 2 full days with our 11-year-old and 9-year-old nephews, a 4-mile hike at 7,000 feet elevation and countless other holiday-related activities.
Every year, we like to do something different and special with the boys one-on-one. And this year, I picked the Denver Slick City Action Park, which basically had 9 different slides (without water) and an air basketball court. I could barely contain my adult excitement, as I’ve ALWAYS had a fondness for slides. Remember getting in a potato sack and going down the giant slide at carnivals (that probably didn’t fit modern-day safety standards with loose bolts and splintered fiberglass)??? Despite my enthusiasm, I still felt my age, garnering a few bruises and deep stiffness.

The craziest slide at the park was the Megalaunch, which only Everett (the limber 11-year-old) would brave with me once. I would have done it again, but he was like, “No Aunt Pay. I’m good.”

We also typically do a special aunts+uncle day with Justin’s sister & wife. The weather was so mild in Denver, we decided to go mini golfing and for a hike!

And our last activity was a hike with friends. Just 12 hours after this, Justin was in the hospital.

Though our time in CO ended on a sour note with Justin in the hospital from Christmas Eve through Dec. 27 for a bacterial infection, we thoroughly enjoyed our time. (And thankfully, he’s back in Healy making his full recovery without his best nurse!)

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I’ve been waiting for this post! It was so nice to have you both visit. Even though things didn’t go as planned I’m grateful I got to see Justin two additional times. It’s great to hear your mom is getting better. Hang in there!
That slide looks crazy! The photo of you flying through the air is so hilarious! Go you! Forest would love that place, I think.
Hope you are feeling better, Justin!