Denali Gear List

Fellow gear junkies, get excited. This post is all about gear!!! But first, a few other details.  Justin and Bobby (Bolt) flew to Alaska today for the long-awaited attempt to climb Denali.  The boys are climbing with RMI Expeditions. This is the same guiding service we used to climb Rainier and that Justin used to climb Shuksan. There are…

Training For Denali

Here’s a blast from the past from J’s first visit to Alaska in 2003.  Many people have asked how J’s training for Denali is going. And now that he is leaving tomorrow, I am finally ready to answer. (I was really waiting to see the training start … JK). I must preface by saying J…

Fenton Ranch Wrap Up

We have wrapped up our spring season at Fenton Ranch! Though we’ve only been here 6 weeks, it feels like much longer. Some of the days were unending–like the day we had a group of overnight 3rd graders leave at 11:30am, but the next group of 1st graders arrived early at 11am. Go, go, go.…

Currently: April

Currently living/working in: We are finishing up our environmental educator job in New Mexico May 5! This job was pretty awesome … and we may even come back for another season! Photos by: Leanne Kimbrough Current mood: The days are long and these kids are darn tiring … but we have lots of fun and the end…

RIP Vernon Miller

This is our dear friend, Vern. Vern died today of stupid cancer.   We’d like to memorialize Vern not only because he had a huge impact on our lives, but because he is a perfect example of how things can change so drastically in our lives and you really need to hug your loved ones…

Scenes from Fenton Ranch

Have you heard the rumor is that New Mexico is a desert? Living in the heart of the Jemez Mountains, that rumor couldn’t be further from the truth. Up at nearly 8,000 feet, the matrix of lush meadows and meandering streams guarded on all sides by aspen groves, conifer forests and jagged canyon walls tells…

Hasta Luego, Colorado

When we arrived in Denver on Dec. 10, we didn’t really know how long we’d stay. We knew we were getting our Wilderness First Responder cert and J would be getting his AIARE Level 1 (Avalanche) cert. We knew we’d be spending the holidays. We knew we had to tend to some affairs, including switching…

Currently: March

Currently living/working in: One foot in Colorado and one foot in New Mexico. There has been a lot of adulting these last few weeks in Colorado, between tax preparation, car care and doctor’s appointments. That’s what our stable, stay-put periods are for. We will be diving into an actual regular work schedule in New Mexico starting…

The Land of Enchantment

On March 28, J & I will add our 14th state to our growing list of places we’ve lived: New Mexico!! Though our permanent residency remains in Colorado (made really official by changing our driver’s license and plates this week), we are heading to New Mexico for a 6-week contract job. This time around, we…

Currently: February

Currently living/working in: Still “unjobbing” in Colorado!! We are very thankful we have lots of choices for spring/summer jobs (yes, there have been rejections mixed in there; we are not that awesome). But, we are just about the most indecisive couple out there, so choices=hard decisions.  Current mood: Living month to month like we do is equally…

Colorado Hut Trip: Point Breeze

Last weekend, J & I went on our fourth Colorado backcountry hut trip–the second for this season–with J’s sister and wife. This time, we hit Point Breeze Cabin, which is actually privately owned, but still booked through the 10th Mountain Division Hut System. Jamie & Rachel booked the entire hut, which sleeps 8, for us…

America’s Impression

I have something a little different on the blog today … it is an interview with someone about their first-time trip to the good ol’ ’Merica.  Can you imagine coming to America for the first time? What would be your first impressions? Our Kiwi friends Max & Lyn took a 6-week road trip around the…