Vacay to the … cornfields?

This past weekend served as one of our summer vacations. Yeah! But to the Midwest? That’s right. Roid and Peace’s wedding was in Louisville, KY, on Saturday, so J and I decided to make a trip out of it. I’ll try to keep my summary short and sweet. Wednesday – arrived in Columbus, OH, to…

Weekend Update

A ridiculously busy and tiring Friday and Saturday called for a day of rest on Sunday. From sun up to sun down on the 4th of July, we worked at J’s Family Fun Day. With more than 1,000 people enjoying the numerous activities of the day, J felt proud to be the Rec Director. And…


J and I had a near-death experience at about 6,000 feet Sunday. No kidding. Let me start from the beginning. The father of the Is/Was family (who will now be renamed Bolt) wanted to summit Mt. Washington, the highest mountain in NH and in the Northeast, during his trip (which *sadly* came to an end…

Weekend in Review

Another weekend gone … why does it feel like they go so fast? Saturday was a big day for us, as REI was having one its “garage sales.” For those that don’t already know, REI is our all-time favorite store. But we don’t just shop there anytime. Instead we try to hold out for their…