J and I babysat CurlyLocks and Bones this past weekend so QuickQuestion and Yankee could properly celebrate their 10-year anniversary by taking a cruise. Short on Coffee and Big on Lotto had the kids for the majority of the week, but Bones was in camp and CurlyLocks was in day care a few days. I was a little worried for my parents (and the kids) because my sister is the queen of well balanced meals and a clean house. My parents’ idea of cooking dinner is putting a frozen meal in the microwave and heating it up. And cleaning? Yeah, not so much. Still, they, and the kids, came out alive! J and I came in for the second half of the week. And we did okay too. Maybe it was my sister’s novel of an instruction booklet, or maybe J and I are okay guardians afterall.
Don’t get excited though, we still don’t WANT children of our own. Anytime we need a kid fix, there are plenty of opportunities to get it. I was all on my own Sunday afternoon/evening and my nephew asked who was going to take care of them for the day and
night. I said, “me silly.” He said, “all by yourself? whoa. That’s a big job!” He’s not kidding! Again, kudos to all the parents out there! We are damn tired just from a few days. Here are some pictures of the fun-filled (and tiring) weekend!
And there’s something about meeting up with old friends lately. I’ve reconnected with a childhood friend via myspace and got to meet up with her on Saturday because we took the kids to a Life is Good festival in her town (I highly recommend the festival for those with kids, BTW). Hopefully I can see her again and we can catch up some more.
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