I finally jumped on the bandwagon. After months of sheepishly reading random strangers’ blogs, I decided it was time to start my own. My biggest fear in all this was the idea of putting my life “out there.” Since I played the voyeur role for so long to unsuspecting bloggers, there may be some of that coming back to me. But I think I am ready. Hopefully I can avoid saying anything that would get me into trouble. I just really want to write more. Time and time again, I have failed at keeping a journal. But since my computer is surgically attached to me anyways, I may find it easier to journal using it. Plus, knowing that others may be reading, I will be held accountable (sort of).
This blog will include a little of this and that, from updates in my life for those far away to random thoughts that come to my head. I may have very little to say, or I may have a lot to say. But I’m just hoping I can stick to it. I’ve invited my husband to participate, but I think he’d rather poke his eyes out. In fact, he said he said his lawyers will be contacting me if I mention him at all in the blog … hehehe.
For the strangers who are reading (I know, I know, I have no fan base just yet), here is a little introduction. I am 29. I have been married to the most wonderful man (we’ll call him J from now on) for a little over a year. I live in central New Hampshire. This is my sixth state I’ve lived in. I write health care news and research for a living and actually love my job. J is the recreation director for a town in NH and he also loves his job. We both like to stay active and especially be outdoors … favorites include hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, running and our newest activity, cross-country skiing. I like margaritas. I like to read. I love to travel. I like to sleep in on weekends. I like to make the most of each day and live in the moment. I love the seasons. I’ll leave it at that. I’m sure you’ll learn much more about me as we go along.
Thanks for reading!
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I like margaritas too! guess who?
Hey girl! I can’t wait to read more of your blogs! I personally find writing a stress reliever and I am much better at writing than speaking.
I’m especially looking forward to your random thoughts! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!