Hello from the Northern Outdoors Center in The Forks, ME (population 31), where there is no cell service, but there is free wireless!
Three days ago, we left the luxuries of Monson. We had a mail drop to pick up in Caratuck, so we had a choice. We could either hoof it in 3 days to make it to the post office by the time it closed Sat morning at 11:15, or we could take our time and make it by the time it opened Monday at 7:15 am. We decided to take the slow route … until we started hiking out of Monson.
We made it an easy 9 miles to our camping spot by lunch time! Plus, our friend Fire Marshall Mac that we have been hiking with since the beginning was doing a push for 18 miles that day. Being we felt good that day and the trail was pretty easy (despite a terrible bogtastic reroute of the trail due to beaver activity and 3 river crossings), we pressed on. We ended up tenting at the Moxie Bald Lean-To with a beautiful view and a great cool-down in the lake (who needs showers??)
The 18 miles really didn’t feel like 18 miles, I swear.
So then Friday we did 13 miles. Those 13 miles actually felt more like 18 miles … Probably has something to do with the mountains thrown in there, the heat, and the redunkulous bugs. Plenty more of that to come!
So today, we planned an early wake up (6ish) to hike the 6ish mile to the post office. Well, between the damn bugs (we slept in the shelter with head nets on) and a very loud sheltermate, we were up and out of there by 6!
Anyways, we made it to the PO with plenty of time to spare and then headed over to our “lodging” for the night (a canvas tent) at the Northern Outdoors center. We have once again showered, laundered clothes and ate real food! We will head out early tomorrow to catch the canoe “ferry” across the Kennebec River that only runs from 9-11am (they don’t allow you to cross it on foot since too many people died or almost died trying).
As for my wildlife report, we still haven’t seen an alive moose on the trail, but we saw a carcass! We also saw a porcupine (I was too startled and too slow to get a picture).
I also forgot to mention that thanks to Paul (AKA Second Nature – never said in my last post that he did the AT in 1998) & Kristen, I can identify 2 plants…lady slippers and trillium. That is the extent of my knowledge … It’s just a tunnel of green!
Well, I think that’s all I have to say for now. Happy Father’s Day to all the men in our life and Happy Birthday to SILAdventure … I don’t think we’ll have cell service to call! Keep the comments coming … They really help!
Location:The Forks,United States
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I was thinking, wow that was fast, but yeah you can do that stretch in a short amount of time. And yeah the close part to Monson is much easier, the other part was rougher! Have fun at the Kennebec!
I think that AT sign is new. There is one at another notch in southern Maine before you get to the Mahoosucs.
Nice job, guys! Hopefully, you're enjoying some rest and relaxation right now. It was great to talk with both of you the other day! Looking forward to your next call.
Beautiful day here in Chicago with MamaF!
Thanks for the shout out! I have been already celebrating my birthday and will open your card tomorrow. Congrats on doing an 18 mile day! Tomorrow I am seeing Todd Shaeffer play! I will try to say hi from you guys. Keep on trucking 🙂
Glad to see that things are going well! We wanted to let you guys know that we were thinking about you! keep up the good work : )
Irelynn started walking recently and can not to catch with you guys on the trail. We saw the SHP crew over the weekend at Smokey's new house. Wish you were there.
Well wishes and love from the GAF. Keep up the awesome work!!