RevKev came to visit us at the cabin (aka, paradise) this weekend and we had loads of fun. For new blog readers, RevKev married Deal & I five years ago! He was a long-time friend before that and now he lives in Colorado Springs, making yearly visits a possibility.He got here Friday evening and Saturday morning, we set out for a day in Breckenridge. We did a nice hike at Hooiser Pass/Continental Divide and RevKev thought he might die in the first few minutes of uphill at 11,500 feet. It didn’t help that the winds were still wicked, as they have been all week, but we all survived and enjoyed.
After all that hiking in snow and near-death experiences, we needed a stiff drink, so we headed to the Breckenridge Distillery for a tour and some tasting. Deal & I love touring breweries, but this was our first distillery tour as a team. Apparently, distilleries are the new wave of tours! In any case, Breck’s Distillery makes delicious vodka, whiskey & spiced rum and it was fun to learn about the process.
The rest of the weekend consisted of lots of 500 rummy-playing (for the record, I never got in first place in the 4 games we played) and playoff football-watching. Did you know that priests can be this cool? Luckily, we do and cherish our time with RevKev.
We are leaving the cabin (aka, paradise) on Wednesday with sad hearts. My dry, bloody nose and heaving lungs, however, are thankful to return to normal elevation. Even still, we have thoroughly enjoyed our time here and are thankful to DocDoc for a temporary relief on homelessness. In return, we did not kill your pets while you are in South America. Kosby the cat is happy as long as we feed him (at 16 lbs, we’ve realized he is always hungry). As for Bailey the dog, she has warmed up to us a bit, as she spent a whole 15 minutes out of the closet and on the couch with us the other day (this is progress, people).
On Thursday, we are Chicago-bound!!!!!
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Thanks guys! It was a blast!
The retreat was hard, but very good in the end.
Cabelas delivered the shoes you recommended last night! I love them!
It was great to see you guys!