Hoppy Easter

My rents (Short on Coffee and Big on Lotto) have come and gone. It was a truly gratifying visit. My family has had a tumultuous last 2 years, so visits like this are priceless. The weather in the Northeast has just been spectacular. I have a feeling it’s not going to last, but you just…

The Ides of March

It’s Spring Break! For some people … like my cousin, who I haven’t seen in, oh, about 3 years. So Alaska3 is visiting this week (she is a senior at a college in Connecticut) we are determined to show her the best of New England. First up, we hit the Burlington, Vt., area. Ben &…

More concerts …

I think I am the official “concert partner” for a lot of people. So it’s only natural that I joined my sister QuickQuestion for a concert this weekend. On Saturday night, we went to see Celtic Women. I really didn’t know much about them, but I’m glad QuickQuestion roped me in. They were a pretty…

NJ in a nutshell

I wasn’t sure if my camera would work, so I only took limited photos. I will try my best to keep you entertained as I recap our trip to NJ! Wednesday, after dressing like Sandy & Danny for J’s senior Halloween lunch (the old bitties said we looked more like Elvis and his groupie), we…

Kayaking 101

We’ve been teaching a lot of beginner classes in outdoor adventure lately … hehe. Good practice for our future B&B, where we will offer all of that! Anyways, we visited J’s dad (MartiniShaker) and wife (GottaMove) on the coast of Mass this weekend and took MartiniShaker on his first kayak trip. He loved it and…

Camping/Hiking 101

In addition to the tourist attractions, my sister’s visit to NH included a little of what J and I do regularly … camping and hiking. I had taken my nephew Bones “camping” in his backyard once, but for everyone else, this was pretty much a first. Truth be told, J and I were more worried…

The Perfect Form of BC

How do you parents do it? Seriously? How? How? How? Am I asking too many questions? Because everything that comes out of my 7-year-old nephew’s mouth is a question? We just spent 3 days with my sister and her family (QuickQuestion, Yankee, Bones & CurlyLocks) and now we need 3 days of recovery! This is…

Now this is summer …

J & I just got back today from a 3-day kayak/camping trip to Squam Lake in NH with DogLovers and UncleSlickG. It was fantabulous!!!This is a trip we attempted to do last year, but were thundered/rained out. Surprisingly, not this year!! We only had rain Saturday night. When you have a good tent and rainfly,…

Chi-town revisited

It has become our annual tradition to spend Mother’s Day with MamaF and GrandmaL in Chicago. Last year, we saw the Cubs play (baseball). This year, we saw the “tigers” play … I say this because Saturday, we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory, which were … wait for it … FREE. I…

The dishes are done, dude

Crickets? Anyone else hear crickets around here? Sorry for my lack of blogging, but here’s a delayed recap of Thanksgiving weekend. The visit from MamaFashion and SILMeow included: Dare I say a delish meal?? Lots of Scrabble! A road trip to Vermont to visit MamaFashion’s old friends. Here we all are the Harpoon Brewery. Look…

Celebrity Sighting

Raise your hand if you know who this is! Friday night (Halloween), we were eating at Limoncello in the North End (Boston) with MamaFashion, who was there on business. In walks Frankie Avalon to sit at the table next to us! Even though I knew of the name Frankie Avalon, I couldn’t really tell you…

The High Life at the Seashore

This weekend, we headed to the coast of Massachusetts to visit J’s dad (MartiniShaker) and stepmom (GottaMove). I love going there because they have a beautiful home and we mostly just eat good food and drink alcohol. It’s like visiting the set of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, at least in comparison to our…

Coffee, lotto anyone?

My parental units departed this morning. It was really an awesome visit. My dad (Big on Lotto) was in great spirits, despite some big medical issues coming up. I love seeing him like this. It’s hard when you have a chronically ill parent and you are not there in person to see how they are…