Send me a text!

It was inevitable. J & I caved and upgraded our cell phone plans to include texting. It’s just that it seems most of our friends have forgotten how to pick up the phone. As the saying goes, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Now I won’t get pissed when people send me texts because…

Good luck, my friend

Today is a sad day at work. Today is BFFcoworker’s last day. We have worked together for 6 years 7 months. I’d say side-by-side, but that’s not entirely true since most of our time was spent working remotely—her in Arizona and me in one of my three states. The point is, she is moving on…

Sayonara SallieMae!

I did something I never thought I’d do last month. Nooooo, I didn’t apply to work in a daycare so I could spend more time around kids. But I did this: Back when things were dated as 19**, I decided to go to college. Much to the surprise of my parents, who apparently thought I…

Not going to Florida

Remember my post at the beginning of August about the silly Vera Bradley contest? Yeah, I didn’t win. BUT, I ended up with 2,383 votes! So thanks to everyone who voted once or It was fun to “compete.” I was always around the 16th-19th place. So I ended up #16 out of 240-something entries.…