On the road again …

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Festivus … All that good stuff. We had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed our time in the Northeast. Because I like the numbers game, that’s how I’ll break down the last 17 days.We spent 10 days in NJ at my rents’ house, 3 days in CT at my sister’s…

Tis the Season

Where in the world are Steadee & Deal??? That’s a good question. For the last two days, we’ve been in one place–my parents’ house in NJ. A record for us. We are actually staying here for the next 7 days. It’s a very good thing. We needed to catch our breath. Plus, we reunited with…

Goodbye Texas

We spent 3 glorious days and 2 glorious nights exploring Big Bend National Park. For a trip we weren’t planning to make, we have no regrets. I have so much to say & don’t know where to begin. This is a warning, folks, this could get long & ugly. We weren’t sure we wanted to…

Cleveland ROCKS!

No one seems to believe us, but we really liked Cleveland! Yes, I am talking about Cleveland, Ohio. We spent three days there and here are at least three reasons to support our opinion. The FriendsWe recently had 2 sets of friends (Sara/Caliente, Mike/theFr & Shayna/BFFcoworker & family) move to the Cleveland from Phoenix (odd…

More EpiBLOG

So post-trail life. Still going well. By all measures of success, we are on the right track. Lots of job applications out there, some interviews and freelance work coming my way. We also decided aside from our side trip to Cleveland this weekend, we’ll leave Chicago Nov. 21. Chicago is getting way TOO expensive for…

Rainy Days

It’s a rainy day here in Chi-town. I appreciate being indoors so much more after doing the trail. When we were on the trail and it was raining, we would sometimes get a phone call, text or e-mail from someone off trail saying they were thinking of us. I always thought that was so nice.…

Post-trail Life

We have been off the AT for more than a week and you would think now that I have easy access to cell service and computers, I would be blogging more often. Clearly not the case. I’ve been so busy … doing practically nothing! Well, we did have the wedding, which was not just a…

Georgia off my mind

As we trekked through the last 70ish miles in Georgia, we got a little bit of everything. We planned a long time ago to slow down and take our time in our last state. I definitely enjoyed doing smaller-mile days, but Deal was more anxious with the goal being so close. In the end, we…

Mile 1909!!!!

Hello from Hot Springs, NC, at Mile 1909.2 on Day 125, where we took a nero (near-zero) to shower & resupply! We are staying at a super-cool hostel; an old Victorian house from the 1800s called Elmer’s Sunnybank Inn. Hot Springs itself is a neat little town, but we did not indulge in the hot…

An Unexpected Zero!

Remember how I said it was unseasonably cold here and we were about to climb to higher elevations where it was even colder? Well, we conferenced and decided to take a ZERO day at the Mountain Harbour B&B/Hostel, where they serve the most unbelievable breakfast!! Fire Marshall & I left it up to Deal, since…