Where we live

Well, so much for my “bonus post,” as it’s been almost 2 weeks! My “bonus post” was going to be pictures of where we live!!! It is so hard to explain in words and pictures don’t even really do it justice, but they should give you a better idea. You can enter the lodge through…

Seis de Mayo

Hi there. Has it been 2 weeks? Oh, 3? Really? Oh boy. That means I missed my deadline for my biweekly blog post! I am sure y’all will be much more forgiving than my job is about missing deadlines … Overall, we had a pretty good 3 weeks, if you consider we had no car…

FridayS the 13th

Friday the 13th, an ominous day known for bad luck. Instead of just one day, though, how about we’ve had several “Fridays the 13th” in a row. First, Deal was driving our new car and got a ticket. Not just any ticket. His first EVAH. Then, a few days later, Deal was driving our brand-new,…

The 603

We returned to New Hampshire for our last week of freedom. We didn’t originally plan to visit the 603, but we got a call about a month ago about a house/cat sitting gig and thought … why not?? So we returned to our last state of residence and found that the things we loved about…

500th Blog Post Giveaway!

We are currently in New Hampshire, thoroughly enjoying our time and busy visiting with friends all over the state. But, I have to interrupt my normally scheduled blog updates to recognize something very cool. Holy canoli, this is my 500th blog post! And because it’s my 500th blog post, I couldn’t waste it on just…

Deal Steadee Deal

Deal got his name on the trail for a reason. He lives for deals and for sharing his deals. He taught me well. For the last month while we’ve been in Colorado, Deal had been scouring Craigslist, eBay and retail stores for a deal on a car rooftop box. He wanted one for at least…

Fire Safety 101

Fire is NOT something to joke about, which is why I am happy to report we survived our first chimney fire on Monday evening. Apparently the powers that be decided that our life in the cabin was getting a little too boring. I beg to differ, but so be it. And I’d like to say…

Work It, Girl

So guess who else got a job besides Deal? MEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I am once again going to be a full-time medical writer! I am beyond excited and would like to share my job-searching story. I saw a job posted for a medical writer based in northern Virginia back in early November. Knowing Deal was interviewing for…

The Cabin Life

Greetings from paradise! We have been at the cabin for a 5 full days and there is no cabin fever here! We are in a semi-normal routine, which includes cooking meals in a real kitchen and lots of catching up/organizing life. Yes, we are still living out of our bags and Deal is dreaming of…

Hut, Hut, Hut

2012 is all about new adventures, right? Well, we had our first new adventure for New Year’s. We took our first ski-to-hut trip in Colorado! Let me first give you an education about the huts in CO. Back during WWII, the 10th Mountain Division of the U.S. Army trained in central CO to prepare for…