In and Out

No, not the burger joint. I wish. I’m talking about SILAdventure. She was here this week on a layover to Iceland. That’s right, Iceland. I wish again. She is going there for 2 weeks to celebrate her graduation from radiology school and for a wedding (how’s that for a destination wedding?). Her layover was just…

Vacay to the … cornfields?

This past weekend served as one of our summer vacations. Yeah! But to the Midwest? That’s right. Roid and Peace’s wedding was in Louisville, KY, on Saturday, so J and I decided to make a trip out of it. I’ll try to keep my summary short and sweet. Wednesday – arrived in Columbus, OH, to…

US citizenship

Chile’s husband will be taking the citizenship test and awhile ago, we were flipping through his study book (which is HUGE) to quiz ourselves. Phoebes did pretty well, but some of the questions really required you to take a trip back to your 7th grade history class. My aunt sent me this link and I…

Tag, you’re it.

In the blogosphere, people like to “tag” you to fill out surveys. Much like those floating around in the email world. So I’ve been tagged. It was a pretty unique one, so why not?* Write a six-word memoir. I chose:There’s no second chance at life. * Post it to your blog including a visual illustration…

Bear haven

The jury is still out on this guy, Charlie Vandergaw. In my opinion, he’s missing a few screws, but I give him credit for for finding a way to survive over 20 years with da bears. He definitely has some sort of bear sense that the rest of us lack. But I’m not sure I…

Weekend Update

A ridiculously busy and tiring Friday and Saturday called for a day of rest on Sunday. From sun up to sun down on the 4th of July, we worked at J’s Family Fun Day. With more than 1,000 people enjoying the numerous activities of the day, J felt proud to be the Rec Director. And…

And like clockwork …

we are in the middle of our daily thunderstorm. Actually, it only rained for about 3 minutes, but it’s been rumbling out there like a very hungry tummy! In about an hour, J and his volunteers for Friday’s event (myself included) are supposed to go out onto the huge open field and layout the event,…


J and I had a near-death experience at about 6,000 feet Sunday. No kidding. Let me start from the beginning. The father of the Is/Was family (who will now be renamed Bolt) wanted to summit Mt. Washington, the highest mountain in NH and in the Northeast, during his trip (which *sadly* came to an end…

The High Life at the Seashore

This weekend, we headed to the coast of Massachusetts to visit J’s dad (MartiniShaker) and stepmom (GottaMove). I love going there because they have a beautiful home and we mostly just eat good food and drink alcohol. It’s like visiting the set of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, at least in comparison to our…