I overheard some old bitties at J’s senior center commenting about his dress as he walked by one morning …Old bitty: “Oh geez.”Other Old bitty: “What?”Old bitty: “That J must own two outfits. One in brown and one in green. He wears the same colors all the time!”

Back from Dville

I meant to blog about our trip yesterday, but work is really busy for me right now. Really busy=practically no lunch break and long days. Really busy=no desire to write in free time. It usually gets really busy in the fall and spring. It’s happening earlier this year. Yikes. But I digress. Skybus got an…

Next stop: Dan Vegas

No time to rest this week … J and I are headed to Danville Thursday through Monday. Awhile back, we realized that Skybus, that new airline everyone is talking about, flies direct from Portsmouth to Greensboro for very cheap, so we jumped on it. I’ll let you know what I think of Skybus later. My…

Superbowl Sunday

For anyone who didn’t already know this, New Englanders are pretty intense about their sports teams. I actually didn’t quite know the extent until moving here and living through two winning seasons for their teams. Sunday night was an ugly example of what can happen when their team loses, especially to a NY team! As…


We are uber-excited for Lost Thursday night. You don’t have to tell me how nerdy this is. I am fully aware. Of course our soccer game interferes with the show time this week, so we are going to have to tape it. But, this is a good thing. At least we can have the ability…

Weekend in Review

Another weekend gone … why does it feel like they go so fast? Saturday was a big day for us, as REI was having one its “garage sales.” For those that don’t already know, REI is our all-time favorite store. But we don’t just shop there anytime. Instead we try to hold out for their…

Final Score: 7-2

Did I mention that J and I play indoor soccer? Well, for the first time since we’ve been playing in October, we won last night!!! Yeah, I know, that means we lost a lot of games. But in our defense, we were strangers playing together and never had time to practice. There are teams playing…


I plan to use a lot of nicknames in my blog entries. Not only do I think it will be kind of fun to do so, but it helps honor the anonymity of certain individuals. J and I are trying to come up with a better nickname for him. We have some ideas, but would…

No turning back now!

I finally jumped on the bandwagon. After months of sheepishly reading random strangers’ blogs, I decided it was time to start my own. My biggest fear in all this was the idea of putting my life “out there.” Since I played the voyeur role for so long to unsuspecting bloggers, there may be some of…