J, the good samaritan

We are getting pounded with winter weather these past few days. It’s lovely, but not so much for driving. And today J got to pay it forward. Twice. On his drive to work this morning, he saw a car stuck in a snowbank after swerving and hitting a telephone pole. So he pulled over, hooked…


Or as they call it in NH, Civil Rights Day. J had off because it is a state holiday, and we wanted to do something fun. Lucky for him, I have my sweet magazine gig and scored another B&B assignment. This B&B was definitely more our style. Don’t get me wrong, we like all B&Bs,…

Week 32 of Unemployment

This week was a little bit of a roller coaster, but with a good ending. It started off with a ripple in my unemployment. When you file for UE each week, they ask about your job search. I’ve been pretty good about applying for jobs each week, but the week between Christmas and New Year’s,…

Set Your DVR

For those of you who have the Nat Geo channel (which I’m assuming includes all of you, except for J & I of course), set your DVR or MP3 or whatever they call it these days for tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 8pm (EST). There’s a new documentary about the AT out and several friends have…

Week 31 of Unemployment

Well hello there! This week marks my 31st week of being unemployed. I have not mentioned being unemployed in the last 3 weeks on this blog and you, my readers, were probably thinking thank the good Lord!!!! But guess what? This just means I have a lot of catching up to do on the subject!…

Part VII – Twenty Eleven

We left Topeka, Kansas, on Friday morning in an ice storm and 20 degrees. I always hear about “golf-sized hail” on the news and now I got to experience it! Pressing on, we drove 746 miles from Topeka through tornado warnings in Missouri and rain, but much higher temperatures, in Illinois and Indiana to Columbus,…

Part VI – CO-KS

We have started our trip back east. It’s a little earlier than we originally planned. We were going to do a ski-to-hut trip in the Colorado mountains with SILAdventure, DocDoc and their other friends. It has been planned for months. We would ski 5.8 miles uphill to a hut for New Year’s Eve and New…

A Colorado Christmas

Before I get into the Christmas festivities, I have a BIG announcement to make. SILMeow and Napolean Dynamite FINALLY got engaged!!!!!!They have been dating for something like 15 years (okay, not really, but play along with me here). We all thought they were a good match, and they knew it too, but they chose to…

Part V – CO

J & I arrived to “paradise” on Thursday. Paradise is actually a cabin tucked in the mountains owned by SILAdventure’s girlfriend, DocDoc. The cabin is my dream house, seriously. We will be spending the next 5 days here with family, but first, we had the cabin all to ourselves!We wined and dined on fondue and…

Part II – PA & OH

We drove another 675 miles today. Our final destination was New Albany, Ohio, but we took the road less traveled, as usual. And we got the snow I’ve wanted … So, we seriously tried to travel down this “road” to get to the fire tower lookout for Mt. Davis, the highest point in PA. That…

Part I – NJ & CT

We’ve driven 670 miles so far, and this is what we’ve done. We packed up pretty much our whole house to take with us across the country. We even brought Mr. McKinley’s Christmas stocking with a new toy so he wouldn’t feel slighted that we left for the holidaze. The night before we left, the…

Week 28 of Unemployment

I will most certainly be taking a break from my unemployment updates during the holidaze. Partly because we will be busy driving 2,042 miles to Colorado next week and then back 2 weeks later. But mostly because what kind of update can I really give you? There ain’t much going on! So, again this week,…

Week 27 of Unemployment

There’s not much to report on the unemployment front. Pretty much the same as last week, although I did have a magazine assignment due this week. Other than that action, things are SSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWWWW. I’m just hoping all the seeds I am planting now will grow in 2011. Instead, I will use this post to report…

Week 26 of Unemployment

Sad news for the millions of unemployed adults out there. Congress failed to pass the federal unemployment extension of benefits. So 26 weeks of benefits is the definite max for now. Gone are the days when people could collect unemployment for a year or even longer. Many are losing their benefits this week, 3 weeks…