Dia de Turducken

We spent the day (weekend) of Thanks with J’s family, including his grandma, who flew in from Cali, and SILMeow & Napolean Dynamite, who flew in from Chi-town. Lots of highlights to mention . . . I consumed approximately 29,635 calories this weekend. And didn’t exercise one bit.I succeeded at making 2 pies. I think…

Grateful …

(This post is not about the Grateful Dead, although J would love it to be) Anyways, here are the things I am grateful for this year (in no particular order): Craigslist. In 2010, I’ve sold $205 worth of stuff on it. Plus, we rented our apartment in Danville through good ol’ Craig and his list.…

Week 23 of Unemployment

I’m uber pumped this week for unemployment because I am flying out tomorrow morning to Milwaukee. Okay, that doesn’t sound right. I’m not terribly excited that I’m going to Milwaukee (oddly enough, this will be my second visit to the city this year–last time it was for a wedding. It’s actually a neat city.). Anyways,…


We had a very important visitor this weekend, but before I get to her visit, I can’t keep the news in any longer. I won a game of Scrabble!!! (Did you think I was going to tell you I got a job?) I RARELY beat J at Scrabble, as in every 3 years or so.…

Week 22 of Unemployment

Job searching is tiring … at least Mr. McKinley thinks so. In all honesty, this was a good week. It seems like there have been more and more job openings in my field and even locally. Before you break open a bottle of champagne on my behalf, remember that most of these are contract jobs.…

College Friends

While I was on my unemployment “vacation” last week in NJ, I took a weekend road trip down to Philly, which is where most of my college friends reside. I keep in touch (this term used loosely) with more college friends than high school friends, so I like that I can kill essentially 4 “birds…

4 Years!

Today is our anniversary … and of course we are not together! J is in Minneapolis (for work) and I am in NJ. Makes me laugh that we’ve spent more anniversaries apart than together! We did celebrate on Sunday a little before J left. We dined at The Black Forest Inn, where we held our…

The Big Apple

Three guesses where I was today? My sister and I met up in NYC on this rainy, yet humid, fall day. Growing up a stone’s throw from the city still means you can play tourist, which we try to do together every once in awhile. And we did what most NYC tourists would do. We…

High School Friends

J had a very different experience in high school than I did. It’s no wonder since he went to an all boys’ school. I can’t even imagine what my experience would be like if I went to an all boys’ school, but I digress … Anyways, J is now 15 years out of high school,…

Week 20 of Unemployment

It’s a little depressing to think I’ve been unemployed for 20 weeks. I’m just about halfway through my maximum unemployment benefits, so I’ve started thinking about my game plan post-UE. Right now, I apply for most jobs I see, which are still few and far between. Many times, though, it pays more (literally) to collect…

Week 19 of Unemployment

I wasn’t really unemployed this week … My old company hired me as a freelancer to cover a conference. Working is good for the soul … or maybe just the ego … or the pocketbook. Anywho, yeah for me! The conference was in St. Louis. I’ve driven through the city on my cross-country trips before,…

We are home safe!

First of all, thank you Quick Question for updating the blog while we were on our “vacation.” I think she had too much fun doing so, wouldn’t you say? Overall, we had a great and rewarding time on the LT! We hiked over 100 miles in 10 days, which is amazing to me, but less…