Teton Valley Wrap Up

We just made it to Alaska, but before I get too behind, let me recap our first leg of the Subaru/Leave No Trace Zero Landfill Tour in Wyoming/Idaho (Teton Valley). We really love this area—and are reminded of that each time we return—but our 3 weeks there went way too fast! Official Stats: 21 days…


Currently: June

Currently living/working in: We’re back on the road this summer (until Oct. 15) as the Subaru/Leave No Trace Zero Landfill Team!!! So we’ve been in Teton County, Wyoming/Idaho since mid June (mostly Grand Teton National Park) and are leaving 7/5 to head up to Alaska, then will be in California most of September.  Current mood:…


Spring Road Trip Wrap Up

This blog post is overdue and happened what seems like months ago! We are currently back on the road for Leave No Trace/Subaru for the Zero Landfill Tour, so this recap is focused on April-June. Ready, rewind. (***Warning, picture heavy & long!***) Much of the last 8 years as nomads, it’s been for work—starting with…


Highpoint #44: Illinois

It’s been a hot minute since we checked off any state highpoints, mainly because the 7 left are pretty difficult to climb (Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon for Justin & Washington for me) or difficult to get to (Nevada, Hawaii and Illinois). Charles Mound, Illinois, is arguably the “most difficult to get to” because it is…


Currently: May

Currently living/working in: We’ve been on the road (for ourselves) while making several pit stops up the East Coast to see family and explore, and now back on the road headed back west. I will actually be writing a whole blog post about these comings and goings, but basically, it’s been a fun and busy.…


National Parks 48-51/61

First things first. There are now 61 designated National Parks. Last time we visited a National Park, there were 59. The March signing of the public lands bill added 2 national park sites—one of which we’ve been to and the other we’ll need to add to our list. Just needed to update my numbers and…


Currently: April

Currently living/working in: Most of April has been on the road in our van. Our Leave No Trace contract ended April 8, meaning we returned our work-provided Subaru Ascent and moved into our van until the next Leave No Trace contract. We are still juggling lots of content projects, but it’s been fun to be…


Eastern Caribbean Cruise

We returned from our Eastern Caribbean Holland America Cruise with our niece, Sarah, and we have 2 revelations. 1st Revelation – We like cruising!! This was actually my 3rd, Justin’s 2nd, and truly, we enjoyed. Frankly, how could you not revel in a floating resort where meals appeared and dirty dishes disappeared like magic? Our…


Currently: March

Currently living/working in: This last 2 months has been a whirlwind, as we’ve “lived” in 6 different states! Not only are we living and working on the road as Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers (contract ends April 8!), we are simultaneously juggling 6 Backpacker projects. Plus, I have 3 other writing project on top of…


Subaru Winterfests

Much of our time as Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers this winter has been spent setting up a booth at Subaru Winterfest weekend festival events, which take place at popular ski areas around the country. Our schedule took us to the ones at Copper Mountain (CO), Eldora (CO) and Snowbird (UT). Justin and I are…


Denali Training

It’s hard to believe this, but Justin’s Denali Climb (Take 2) is less than 2 months away!! The team is arriving in Anchorage May 10, then hoping to fly onto the mountain May 13 (obviously weather-dependent). I’ve always joked Justin’s training regimen for anything is less than stellar (he trained for a triathlon in 2010…
