Currently: October

Current mood:  Excited! Anxious! Overwhelmed! NZ trip planning brings out a range of emotions!  Currently thankful for:  Carving out some quality time with J’s side of the family here in CO. We have 2 young nephews on this side of the family and they are growing fast!  Currently worried about:  Well, besides the fact that…


Life is Qualitative

The good news is J is doing well on his Shuksan expedition. He was actually able to call me from base camp! It’s cold up there, but he is getting some good practice on mountaineering skills. They should be attempting their summit Thursday night into Friday morning, so keep those good vibes coming. The bad…


My Mountain Man

J left this morning for another harrowing adventure … he is taking a 6-day expedition skills seminar with RMI guides and other crazy adrenaline junkies on Mt. Shuksan in North Cascades National Park of Washington (less than 25 miles from Canada!). The program is meant to practice those fun mountaineering skills–like crevasse rescue (think being…


Mid-Season Review

RR has been open for more than 2 months and it’s time for reflective thoughts. Of lately, I bombard you with pictures, but I don’t often say much. Sometimes I don’t write because our life is fluid and things change by the minute. Plus, I like to let my thoughts to fester in my head…
