Currently: December

GOODBYE 2017 AND HAPPY 2018 EVERYONE!!! I feel like this Currently post is a little long-winded, so consider yourselves warned … Currently living/working in:  Caretaking Fenton Ranch in northern New Mexico. I have to say, while we love epic snowstorms, not having an ounce of snowfall around these parts has made our caretaking job much…


Currently: November

Currently living/working in: Still property caretaking the school’s property, Fenton Ranch, in the Jemez Mountains. More than property caretaking, though, we have spent most of the month chin deep in product specs, tester quotes and creative adjectives to describe “lightweight” to meet our magazine deadlines for our gear testing submissions. Current mood: Mentally exhausted with a…


Thanksgiving at Fenton Ranch

We successfully hosted our first Thanksgiving at Fenton Ranch! J’s mom, sister, husband and 2 kids drove from Denver for the celebration. We haven’t hosted a Thanksgiving–much less any holiday–since 2010, so it was a real treat to have the ability to host once again. ***Warning, picture-heavy post!*** J’s mom came a few days in…


Mrs. Gibbles

I know I owe y’all a blog post, so I am going to take this opportunity to do a quick, picture-heavy post about Mrs. Gibbles, our cat. Everyone loves cats, right??? It’s been a year since Mrs. Gibbles, the mystery cat, showed up at Fenton Ranch, starving and—unbeknownst to us at the time—nursing some newborn…


Currently: October

Currently living/working in: We finished teaching the kids at Fenton Ranch Oct. 12, so from now through March, we wear the main hat of property caretakers. This entails greeting weekend guests (faculty/staff of the school who can reserve the main house as a benefit), doing maintenance projects and general upkeep, along with a few bigger projects.…


11 Years

Today is our 11th anniversary!! Man, 11 years sure flew by. When I was sifting through our storage unit this summer, I came across our “Wishing You …” bowl. It was set up at our reception and asked guests to share their best marriage advice. We recently sold that bowl, but kept the cards with…


Fall in New Mexico

We finished another environmental education session at Fenton Ranch Oct. 12 and now our main job is to watch the property for the school. Fall is a perfect time to complete outdoor projects around the 5 acres of land and prep for the winter. As our wood-burning stove beckons to be stoked every morning already,…


Island Wedding

Whenever someone poses the mountains versus beach question, we will always opt for mountains. But you know what? Beach really does stand for “best escape anyone can have!” Last weekend, we had the honor of being guests at the small wedding affair of Casey & Laura on Daufuskie Island in South Carolina. Casey (AKA Beef)…


Currently: September

Currently living/working in: We’ve taught 4 fifth grade classes and 4 fourth grade classes for the private school at Fenton Ranch and will be finishing up the season with second graders! We still love, love, love teaching environmental education and wrangling kids into the outdoors; it has been an amazing experience, so we’ll see how it…


Currently: August

Currently living/working in: We are back to caretaking Fenton Ranch in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico and teaching kids (5th, 4th & 2nd graders) environmental education! The fall session of teaching will run through mid-October, while the caretaking role will be all winter. Current mood: Really excited to be settled down again for a bit and…


Outdoor Retailer

Our summer nationwide speaking tour truly culminated when we turned the Sprinter van back over to Superfeet, which conveniently happened while we were at Outdoor Retailer in Salt Lake City. Outdoor Retailer. Let me take this opportunity to write an ode to OR. When people ask us what this semi-annual trade show is all about,…
