Recovery Part 3

I am happy to report that I feel a million times better than I did last week. Both physically and mentally! Seriously, I don’t know who hacked my blogger account and wrote that post …  Of course, I still have pulmonary embolism-related obsessions and worries.  Been trying to remember to take my blood-thinning therapy everyday…



Our Colorado time culminated with a James Buuuuffet concert. My 5th, J’s 14th. One of the main reasons I go to JB is for the tailgating entertainment. Plus, Jamie/SIL Adventure and Rachel/DocDoc had never been, so taking newbies is always a treat. Since they had to work (damn those people with real jobs), we couldn’t…


Strike a pose!

Back when we started our contract with BP, we got an e-mail from our boss asking if we were available for a photo shoot on July 19. Of course we complied, thinking it was probably related to the tour. As the photo shoot got closer, we received the contract and were surprised to see so…


Visiting Film Locations

I’m going to switch gears from backpacking to pure road tripping in this post. In our travels during the last few weeks, we’ve stumbled onto a few cinematic hot spots. Admittedly, they are not the coolest of movie locations, but you can still geek out and get excited. Astoria, Oregon Location for: The Goonies (1985)…
