City of Sisterly Love

I’ve returned from my long-awaited and snow-delayed weekend in Philly and it was divine. Seriously, what’s better than girl time and good food? I was visiting my college roommates—Chile and Charlotte—and 2 other friends from college—theChief and RedJeepTrvlr—with whom I worked on the newspaper. I stayed at Charlotte’s house. Some would say I picked the…



I’m blogging from NH and I’m not happy about it. I’m supposed to be in Philly having a girls’ weekend that took months of planning. Mother Nature had other plans. Not only is she currently dumping 2 feet of snow on the Philly area, she is giving us not one inch. What the great googly…


Dream Big

Last night, J and I went with some friends to the Banff Mountain Film Festival Tour that came through NH. These are not your regular films; these are for adrenaline junkies. We got to see a sampling of 8 films from the actual festival and they all involved mountain sports. I like to think of…



This is our soccer record for the first winter session, which ended last night. I couldn’t be prouder! We’ve been playing with the same team for over a year now and we’ve really gotten our sh%& together. We still have a lot of players come and go each session, but there’s about 6 of us…



A few weeks ago, I claimed J had the coolest job in the world because he got to go to conferences at ski lodges and win free hut stays. But I also have a cool job. I freelance occasionally for a NH magazine and my latest assignment was about—you guessed it—yurts! Not only have I…


Got recreation?

Last week, J passed a test and became a certified recreation director.Not sure what that really means, but he studied really hard for the test. It seems being “certified” in your field is the new Master’s. I’m only two credits away from being certified as a medical writer, but I’m not holding my breath because…


Zumba craze

Has anyone jumped on the Zumba bandwagon? As usual, I’m late. My kickboxing instructor convinced me to give it a try. As uncoordinated as I am, I’ve been doing okay with kickboxing and ballroom/latin dancing with J, so I thought how bad could it be? Plus, a lot of my friends have raved about it.…


Babies in 2009

Well, friends, you didn’t beat last year’s record of 12 baby boys born, but you did keep busy. This year, our friends produced 10 bouncing babies—5 boys, 5 girls. Next year, there’s already 5 pregnancies announced. The adults are starting to be outnumbered!!! I present to you “the babes of oh nine.” Don’t you think…


Ho Ho Who?

December is a busy month for recreation. Tonight, J is judging houses for the Holiday Lights Contest and tomorrow, he is holding his Santa Calling program. Santa Calling is a program Danville did and it was so great, J introduced it here. Parents fill out forms about their kids—ages, what they want (and are getting)…


Bye bye Marlboro

OMG. This piece of news floored me. I was convinced we might be getting around in Jetson-style vehicles before this happened. Danville restaurants go smoke-free under new law I grew up in a smoky home. In the days when the warnings on smoking were less OBVIOUS, ShortonCoffee would smoke in the car with us. My…
